How to use this driver on H96 MAX X3 or Vontar X3?
You need to have adb or Root Explorer
You should copy to /system/bin
You should copy custom folder to /sdcard
If you want to have "boot" label during booting:
- You should copy openvfd.ko to /vendor/lib/modules and init.amlogic.rc to /vendor/etc/init/hw
- Edit file with uncommenting #insmod /sdcard/custom/openvfd.ko
Also you MUST flash new dtb.img
- open adb shell or terminal on device and execute dd if=/sdcard/custom/dtb.img of=/dev/dtb
And copy /sdcard/custom/OpenVFD.apk to /system/app/OpenVFD with permissions (755)
OpenVFD doesn't have options but it has sources. By default it shows CPU temp for 15 sec every 5 minutes and it has night mode. Night mode turns alarm icon and changes brightness to 1 from 22.00 to 10.00. Default brightness is 5.
If you use KODI, you can use kodi plugin instead of OpenVFD.apk -
- Download it as zip and install
If you have troubles, you can load box from microsd or usb flash. Format to FAT32 and copy files from boot_files folder to root of flash. Unplug power from box and press button in AV. Insert storage, plug power cable and release button in AV after some seconds.
- OpenVFD sources -
- dtb.img sources -
- OpenVFDService sources -
- openvfd module's sources -