Contributors: Selina Breitenbach, Timo Ege, Jan Müller
This python module was created as the results of a beginner programming practical
This module can be used like other python modules, after the location is addded to the python system path,
import sys
sys.path.append("path to lines folder, not including lines")
if you only want to play the game, in the folder containing the 'lines' foulder execute the following command:
python -m lines.visulatization.mainWindow
the module is structured into three parts. 'Base' containing the graph implementation in ''; additional functions to be used on graphs in ''.
The second is 'optimization' containing implementations of the dijkstra algorithm and the floydWarshall algorithm as well as the following functions: best_start_point; best_start_node_index; construct_path;
The third part being 'visualization' containing the functions to play the game