This repo includes a simple way to install some language servers that might work with YouCompleteMe (strictly ycmd).
This repo comes with no warranty, and these engines are not officially supported by YCM, though they should work for the most part.
- Overview
- Languages Tested
- Quick start
- Configuration
- Purescript
- Scala
- Haskell
- Fortran
- Python (e.g. pyright)
- Ruby
- D
- Godot
- Kotlin
- Julia
- Lua
- Zig
- Crystal
- Astro
- Known Issues
- Angular
- Bash
- Cmake
- Crystal
- D
- Dart
- Dockerfile
- Godot (gdscript)
- Groovy
- Jai
- Jsonnet (see jsonnet/
- Kotlin
- Python (pyright)
- Racket
- Ruby
- Vala
- Vim (vimscript)
- Vue
- Zig
Broken or partially working:
- Lua
See also:
Assuming you installed this repo in /path/to/this/directory
- Decide which languages you want. Each language is a directory in this repo.
- Run
python3 ./ --enable-LANG1 --enable-LANG2 ...
. Replace LANG1/LANG2 etc. with the language dirs. e.g../ --enable-dart --enable-bash
. You can also use--all
. - Add the line to your vimrc that it tells you to, this will be similar to:
source /path/to/this/directory/vimrc.generated
Optionally: edit
to customiseg:ycm_language_server
NOTE: YCM will regard the path of
as root path of project folder. So please make sure you put
at right place (root of current project)
The g:ycm_language_server
option is used to tell YCM (strictly, ycmd) to use
its 'generic' language server completer. It's a list of dictionaries with the
following keys:
- 'name' (string): Name of the language server
- 'filetypes' (list): List of Vim filetypes to use this language server for
- 'cmdline' (list): List of words forming a command line to execute. Note:
must be a list, even if it has only one element (such as
[ 'executable' ]
. If not supplied, no server is started and a port must be supplied. - 'port' (number): A TCP port on localhost to connect to if stdio is not possible.
- 'project_root_files' (list, optional): List of filename to search for when trying to determine the 'root' of the project. THis is useful for languages or language servers which don't automatically detect the 'workspace' root.
For full documentation, please see the YouCompleteMe docs.
Ycmd currently doesn't support showMessageRequest
, so users need to manually
build their projects on the command line before starting the server. To do this
execute pulp build
in the project root.
Ycmd currently doesn't support showMessageRequest
, so users need to "import
build" manually. Unlike purescript, for scala, this can be done in the editor
by executing :YcmCompleter ExecuteCommand build-import
. For this operation to
succeed sbt
and bloop
need to be in the $PATH
. metals
also requires java
For completions to work make sure the version of metals
has this bug fix.
haskell-ide-engine is not actively being developed anymore, in favour of haskell-language-server (installation instructions).
The server causes a spurious error:
doesn't supportdidChangeConfiguration
This error can be ignored, as they don't interfere with normal work of ycmd/fortls.
If configuring a language server for Python, this will completely disable the built-in Jedi completer in YCM.
Example extra conf (actually for ycmd itself):
import sys.path as p
DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT = p.abspath( p.dirname( __file__ ) )
DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY = p.join( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT, 'third_party' )
DIR_OF_WATCHDOG_DEPS = p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'watchdog_deps' )
def Settings( **kwargs ):
if language == 'python':
return {
'ls': {
'python': {
'analysis': {
'extraPaths': [
p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'bottle' ),
p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'regex-build' ),
p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'frozendict' ),
p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'jedi_deps', 'jedi' ),
p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'jedi_deps', 'parso' ),
p.join( DIR_OF_WATCHDOG_DEPS, 'watchdog', 'build', 'lib3' ),
p.join( DIR_OF_WATCHDOG_DEPS, 'pathtools' ),
p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'waitress' )
'useLibraryCodeForTypes': True
You need to have racket installed so you can use raco
to install
the required packages for the language server.
You can install racket through the racket website or your package manager.
You need to be running a version of ruby that the parser understands:
Recommend running in rbenv for that:
$ rbenv shell 2.3.8
$ cd ruby
$ ./install
$ vim test/test.rb
There is a number of external dependencies that you will want to install:
- the D standard librarydmd
- the D compilerdscanner
- at the very least responsible for diagnosticsdcd
- the D compiler daemon- Potentially
seems to be able to format code even without it. dub
- the D package manager
On top of that, you will want to configure the server, at least to let serve-d
know about your modules. The configuration is done through ycmd's extra confs
and the full list of serve-d
's configuration options can be found
Note that the server executable on Windows is called serve-d.exe
Godot must be running and you must go to Project -> Project Settings -> Global
and set Language Server
to On
. At least since Godot 3.4, Language Server
options are under Editor Settings
and On
by default.
If Godot is closed or restarted, you might need to force YCM to reconnect (this
isn't automatic). Use :YcmCompleter RestartServer
to reconnect.
You can check the status of the connection with :YcmDebugInfo
Recommend vim-godot for syntax, etc. (don't believe the hype about using other completion systems though, of course).
For whatever reason, the server expects you to have maven in your PATH
just like serve-d
, kotlin-language-server
has its own configuration.
The server executable is actually a shell script and the build process produces
for Linux and server.bat
for Windows.
Make sure to put a
file in the root of your project, otherwise
the language server may fail.
The command line for starting the server is:
let g:julia_cmdline = ['julia', '--startup-file=no', '--history-file=no', '-e', '
\ using LanguageServer;
\ using Pkg;
\ import StaticLint;
\ import SymbolServer;
\ env_path = dirname(Pkg.Types.Context().env.project_file);
\ debug = false;
\ server = LanguageServer.LanguageServerInstance(stdin, stdout, debug, env_path, "", Dict());
\ server.runlinter = true;
\ run(server);
\ ']
You can replace the first command line argument ('julia'
) with an absolute
path, if julia
isn't in your $PATH
With the above list in your vimrc, you can set 'cmdline'
to just g:julia_cmdline
Julia server does support configuration via the extra conf, but it doesn't seem to be documented anywhere.
Uses lua-language-server.
Quick testing suggests that:
- It returns snippets even though YCM explicitly opted out, meaning completions don't work unless you use Ben's Fork
- It violates a number of other items of the protocol other than that such as missing mandatory fields.
- Signature help doesn't seem to work.
However, it looks like diagnostics and GoTo work.
The command line requeired depends on your OS:
- Windows:
- Linux:
- macOS:
There is one command line argument. It needs to be the absolute path to
for Lua downloads the pre-built visual studio code extension,
but you can build lua-language-server
yourself easily if you have ninja
git clone
cd lua-language-server
cd 3rd/luamake
ninja ninja/<your os>.ninja
cd ../../
./3rd/luamake/luamake rebuild
This will put the binaries in bin/<your os>
Uses zls
For this to work sometimes, one needs to run the zls executable to create a user/global config json file by running the executable in /zig/zls/zig-out/bin/zls after running the [NOTE] if your workspace directory has a zls.json file, it should would also work.
Uses css
Uses phpactor.
Uses Crystalline as an LSP server and vim-crystal to determine file type.
Keep in mind, that Crystalline version must match crystal version (see details on crystalline page).
The configuration is pretty straightforward. Add this to your .vimrc:
let g:ycm_language_server =
\ [
\ {
\ 'name': 'crystal',
\ 'cmdline': [ 'crystalline'],
\ 'project_root_files' : [ 'shard.yml' ],
\ 'filetypes': [ 'crystal' ]
\ }
\ ]
Place crystalline in the path (i.e. /usr/local/bin) or use absolute path in the example above..
In addition to defining g:ycm_language_server
block as shown in
this LSP requires
to pass Language Server initializationOptions
pointing to a directory
containing either typescript.js
or tsserverlibrary.js
file, such as
, via typescript.tsdk
key/value address, eg.
import os
def Settings( **kwargs ):
current_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir)
if kwargs[ 'language' ] == 'astro':
configs = {
'ls': {
'typescript': {
'tsdk': f"{current_directory}/node_modules/typescript/lib"
return configs
... Authors of Astro Language Server recommend installing prettier
too, so adding the following to your npm init
rituals may be a good idea;
npm install --save-dev typescript prettier prettier-plugin-astro @astrojs/ts-plugin
Finally, hopefully for now, adding the @astrojs/ts-plugin
to your project's
may be necessary to enable all features of Astro LS
"compilerOptions": {
"plugins": [
"name": "@astrojs/ts-plugin"
This is using Jails, which is very much "work in progress", so many things aren't fully working yet, but it's easy enough to set up.
You may need to create a jails.json
in your project root to tell Jails where
to find modules.
Example jails.json
"workspaces": [
"entry": "/foo/main.jai",
"local_modules": "/modules"
Installing vala-language-server from source automatically takes a long time and would be difficult to get right generically.
Please install vala-language-server
through your system package manager
before enabling vala support through YCM.
For formatting support you will need uncrustify
as well.
completer completions don't work because the server bugs always returns snippets, even though ycmd claims not to support them. Validation works though.json
completer completions don't work because the server bugs always returns snippets, even though ycmd claims not to support them. Validation works though.lua
- yet another completer that returns snippets even if client doesn't support them.
There is highly experimental (essentially unsupported) support for snippet completions in Ben's Fork of YCM. For example, the following makes json work with that fork:
\ {
\ 'name': 'json',
\ 'cmdline': [ 'node', s:lsp_dir . '/json/node_modules/.bin/vscode-json-languageserver', '--stdio' ],
\ 'filetypes': [ 'json' ],
\ 'capabilities': #{ textDocument: #{ completion: #{ completionItem: #{ snippetSupport: v:true } } } },
\ },