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kazu-yamamoto committed Oct 13, 2023
2 parents a4dc698 + 2cc46e4 commit aefdd25
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Showing 6 changed files with 227 additions and 103 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions wai-app-static/Network/Wai/Application/Static.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ serveFile StaticSettings {..} req file
-- First check etag values, if turned on
| ssUseHash = do
mHash <- fileGetHash file
-- FIXME: Doesn't support multiple hashes in 'If-None-Match' header
case (mHash, lookup "if-none-match" $ W.requestHeaders req) of
-- if-none-match matches the actual hash, return a 304
(Just hash, Just lastHash) | hash == lastHash -> return NotModified
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88 changes: 60 additions & 28 deletions warp/Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/File.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,22 +35,38 @@ data RspFileInfo = WithoutBody H.Status

conditionalRequest :: I.FileInfo
-> H.ResponseHeaders
-> H.Method
-> IndexedHeader -- ^ Response
-> IndexedHeader -- ^ Request
-> RspFileInfo
conditionalRequest finfo hs0 rspidx reqidx = case condition of
conditionalRequest finfo hs0 method rspidx reqidx = case condition of
nobody@(WithoutBody _) -> nobody
WithBody s _ off len -> let !hs1 = addContentHeaders hs0 off len size
!hasLM = isJust $ rspidx ! fromEnum ResLastModified
!hs = [ (H.hLastModified,date) | not hasLM ] ++ hs1
in WithBody s hs off len
WithBody s _ off len ->
let !hs1 = addContentHeaders hs0 off len size
!hs = case rspidx ! fromEnum ResLastModified of
Just _ -> hs1
Nothing -> (H.hLastModified,date) : hs1
in WithBody s hs off len
!mtime = I.fileInfoTime finfo
!size = I.fileInfoSize finfo
!date = I.fileInfoDate finfo
!mcondition = ifmodified reqidx size mtime
<|> ifunmodified reqidx size mtime
<|> ifrange reqidx size mtime
-- According to RFC 9110:
-- "A recipient cache or origin server MUST evaluate the request
-- preconditions defined by this specification in the following order:
-- - If-Match
-- - If-Unmodified-Since
-- - If-None-Match
-- - If-Modified-Since
-- - If-Range
-- We don't actually implement the If-(None-)Match logic, but
-- we also don't want to block middleware or applications from
-- using ETags. And sending If-(None-)Match headers in a request
-- to a server that doesn't use them is requester's problem.
!mcondition = ifunmodified reqidx mtime
<|> ifmodified reqidx mtime method
<|> ifrange reqidx mtime method size
!condition = fromMaybe (unconditional reqidx size) mcondition

Expand All @@ -66,32 +82,48 @@ ifRange reqidx = reqidx ! fromEnum ReqIfRange >>= parseHTTPDate


ifmodified :: IndexedHeader -> Integer -> HTTPDate -> Maybe RspFileInfo
ifmodified reqidx size mtime = do
ifmodified :: IndexedHeader -> HTTPDate -> H.Method -> Maybe RspFileInfo
ifmodified reqidx mtime method = do
date <- ifModifiedSince reqidx
return $ if date /= mtime
then unconditional reqidx size
else WithoutBody H.notModified304

ifunmodified :: IndexedHeader -> Integer -> HTTPDate -> Maybe RspFileInfo
ifunmodified reqidx size mtime = do
-- According to RFC 9110:
-- "A recipient MUST ignore If-Modified-Since if the request
-- contains an If-None-Match header field; [...]"
guard . isNothing $ reqidx ! fromEnum ReqIfNoneMatch
-- "A recipient MUST ignore the If-Modified-Since header field
-- if [...] the request method is neither GET nor HEAD."
guard $ method == H.methodGet || method == H.methodHead
guard $ date == mtime || date > mtime
Just $ WithoutBody H.notModified304

ifunmodified :: IndexedHeader -> HTTPDate -> Maybe RspFileInfo
ifunmodified reqidx mtime = do
date <- ifUnmodifiedSince reqidx
return $ if date == mtime
then unconditional reqidx size
else WithoutBody H.preconditionFailed412

ifrange :: IndexedHeader -> Integer -> HTTPDate -> Maybe RspFileInfo
ifrange reqidx size mtime = do
-- According to RFC 9110:
-- "A recipient MUST ignore If-Unmodified-Since if the request
-- contains an If-Match header field; [...]"
guard . isNothing $ reqidx ! fromEnum ReqIfMatch
guard $ date /= mtime && date < mtime
Just $ WithoutBody H.preconditionFailed412

-- TODO: Should technically also strongly match on ETags.
ifrange :: IndexedHeader -> HTTPDate -> H.Method -> Integer -> Maybe RspFileInfo
ifrange reqidx mtime method size = do
-- According to RFC 9110:
-- "When the method is GET and both Range and If-Range are
-- present, evaluate the If-Range precondition:"
date <- ifRange reqidx
rng <- reqidx ! fromEnum ReqRange
return $ if date == mtime
then parseRange rng size
else WithBody H.ok200 [] 0 size
guard $ method == H.methodGet
return $
if date == mtime
then parseRange rng size
else WithBody H.ok200 [] 0 size

unconditional :: IndexedHeader -> Integer -> RspFileInfo
unconditional reqidx size = case reqidx ! fromEnum ReqRange of
Nothing -> WithBody H.ok200 [] 0 size
Just rng -> parseRange rng size
unconditional reqidx =
case reqidx ! fromEnum ReqRange of
Nothing -> WithBody H.ok200 [] 0
Just rng -> parseRange rng


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40 changes: 19 additions & 21 deletions warp/Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/HTTP2/Response.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ fromResponse settings ii req rsp = do
rspst@(h2rsp, st, hasBody) <- case rsp of
ResponseFile st rsphdr path mpart -> do
let rsphdr' = add date rsphdr
responseFile st rsphdr' isHead path mpart ii reqhdr
responseFile st rsphdr' method path mpart ii reqhdr
ResponseBuilder st rsphdr builder -> do
let rsphdr' = add date rsphdr
return $ responseBuilder st rsphdr' isHead builder
return $ responseBuilder st rsphdr' method builder
ResponseStream st rsphdr strmbdy -> do
let rsphdr' = add date rsphdr
return $ responseStream st rsphdr' isHead strmbdy
return $ responseStream st rsphdr' method strmbdy
_ -> error "ResponseRaw is not supported in HTTP/2"
mh2data <- getHTTP2Data req
case mh2data of
Expand All @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ fromResponse settings ii req rsp = do
!h2rsp' = H2.setResponseTrailersMaker h2rsp trailers
return (h2rsp', st, hasBody)
!isHead = requestMethod req == H.methodHead
!method = requestMethod req
!reqhdr = requestHeaders req
!server = S.settingsServerName settings
add date rsphdr =
Expand All @@ -58,59 +58,57 @@ fromResponse settings ii req rsp = do


responseFile :: H.Status -> H.ResponseHeaders -> Bool
responseFile :: H.Status -> H.ResponseHeaders -> H.Method
-> FilePath -> Maybe FilePart -> InternalInfo -> H.RequestHeaders
-> IO (H2.Response, H.Status, Bool)
responseFile st rsphdr _ _ _ _ _
| noBody st = return $ responseNoBody st rsphdr

responseFile st rsphdr isHead path (Just fp) _ _ =
return $ responseFile2XX st rsphdr isHead fileSpec
responseFile st rsphdr method path (Just fp) _ _ =
return $ responseFile2XX st rsphdr method fileSpec
!off' = fromIntegral $ filePartOffset fp
!bytes' = fromIntegral $ filePartByteCount fp
!fileSpec = H2.FileSpec path off' bytes'

responseFile _ rsphdr isHead path Nothing ii reqhdr = do
responseFile _ rsphdr method path Nothing ii reqhdr = do
efinfo <- UnliftIO.tryIO $ getFileInfo ii path
case efinfo of
Left (_ex :: UnliftIO.IOException) -> return $ response404 rsphdr
Right finfo -> do
let reqidx = indexRequestHeader reqhdr
rspidx = indexResponseHeader rsphdr
case conditionalRequest finfo rsphdr rspidx reqidx of
case conditionalRequest finfo rsphdr method rspidx reqidx of
WithoutBody s -> return $ responseNoBody s rsphdr
WithBody s rsphdr' off bytes -> do
let !off' = fromIntegral off
!bytes' = fromIntegral bytes
!fileSpec = H2.FileSpec path off' bytes'
return $ responseFile2XX s rsphdr' isHead fileSpec
return $ responseFile2XX s rsphdr' method fileSpec


responseFile2XX :: H.Status -> H.ResponseHeaders -> Bool -> H2.FileSpec -> (H2.Response, H.Status, Bool)
responseFile2XX st rsphdr isHead fileSpec
| isHead = responseNoBody st rsphdr
responseFile2XX :: H.Status -> H.ResponseHeaders -> H.Method -> H2.FileSpec -> (H2.Response, H.Status, Bool)
responseFile2XX st rsphdr method fileSpec
| method == H.methodHead = responseNoBody st rsphdr
| otherwise = (H2.responseFile st rsphdr fileSpec, st, True)


responseBuilder :: H.Status -> H.ResponseHeaders -> Bool
responseBuilder :: H.Status -> H.ResponseHeaders -> H.Method
-> BB.Builder
-> (H2.Response, H.Status, Bool)
responseBuilder st rsphdr isHead builder
| noBody st = responseNoBody st rsphdr
| isHead = responseNoBody st rsphdr
responseBuilder st rsphdr method builder
| method == H.methodHead || noBody st = responseNoBody st rsphdr
| otherwise = (H2.responseBuilder st rsphdr builder, st, True)


responseStream :: H.Status -> H.ResponseHeaders -> Bool
responseStream :: H.Status -> H.ResponseHeaders -> H.Method
-> StreamingBody
-> (H2.Response, H.Status, Bool)
responseStream st rsphdr isHead strmbdy
| noBody st = responseNoBody st rsphdr
| isHead = responseNoBody st rsphdr
responseStream st rsphdr method strmbdy
| method == H.methodHead || noBody st = responseNoBody st rsphdr
| otherwise = (H2.responseStreaming st rsphdr strmbdy, st, True)

Expand Down
55 changes: 35 additions & 20 deletions warp/Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/Header.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,35 +31,50 @@ data RequestHeaderIndex = ReqContentLength
| ReqIfRange
| ReqReferer
| ReqUserAgent
| ReqIfMatch
| ReqIfNoneMatch
deriving (Enum,Bounded)

-- | The size for 'IndexedHeader' for HTTP Request.
-- From 0 to this corresponds to \"Content-Length\", \"Transfer-Encoding\",
-- \"Expect\", \"Connection\", \"Range\", \"Host\",
-- \"If-Modified-Since\", \"If-Unmodified-Since\" and \"If-Range\".
-- From 0 to this corresponds to:
-- - \"Content-Length\"
-- - \"Transfer-Encoding\"
-- - \"Expect\"
-- - \"Connection\"
-- - \"Range\"
-- - \"Host\"
-- - \"If-Modified-Since\"
-- - \"If-Unmodified-Since\"
-- - \"If-Range\"
-- - \"Referer\"
-- - \"User-Agent\"
-- - \"If-Match\"
-- - \"If-None-Match\"
requestMaxIndex :: Int
requestMaxIndex = fromEnum (maxBound :: RequestHeaderIndex)

requestKeyIndex :: HeaderName -> Int
requestKeyIndex hn = case BS.length bs of
4 -> if bs == "host" then fromEnum ReqHost else -1
5 -> if bs == "range" then fromEnum ReqRange else -1
6 -> if bs == "expect" then fromEnum ReqExpect else -1
7 -> if bs == "referer" then fromEnum ReqReferer else -1
8 -> if bs == "if-range" then fromEnum ReqIfRange else -1
10 -> if bs == "user-agent" then fromEnum ReqUserAgent else
if bs == "connection" then fromEnum ReqConnection else -1
14 -> if bs == "content-length" then fromEnum ReqContentLength else -1
17 -> if bs == "transfer-encoding" then fromEnum ReqTransferEncoding else
if bs == "if-modified-since" then fromEnum ReqIfModifiedSince
else -1
19 -> if bs == "if-unmodified-since" then fromEnum ReqIfUnmodifiedSince else -1
4 | bs == "host" -> fromEnum ReqHost
5 | bs == "range" -> fromEnum ReqRange
6 | bs == "expect" -> fromEnum ReqExpect
7 | bs == "referer" -> fromEnum ReqReferer
8 | bs == "if-range" -> fromEnum ReqIfRange
| bs == "if-match" -> fromEnum ReqIfMatch
10 | bs == "user-agent" -> fromEnum ReqUserAgent
| bs == "connection" -> fromEnum ReqConnection
13 | bs == "if-none-match" -> fromEnum ReqIfNoneMatch
14 | bs == "content-length" -> fromEnum ReqContentLength
17 | bs == "transfer-encoding" -> fromEnum ReqTransferEncoding
| bs == "if-modified-since" -> fromEnum ReqIfModifiedSince
19 | bs == "if-unmodified-since" -> fromEnum ReqIfUnmodifiedSince
_ -> -1
bs = foldedCase hn

defaultIndexRequestHeader :: IndexedHeader
defaultIndexRequestHeader = array (0,requestMaxIndex) [(i,Nothing)|i<-[0..requestMaxIndex]]
defaultIndexRequestHeader = array (0, requestMaxIndex) [(i, Nothing) | i <- [0..requestMaxIndex]]


Expand All @@ -78,10 +93,10 @@ responseMaxIndex = fromEnum (maxBound :: ResponseHeaderIndex)

responseKeyIndex :: HeaderName -> Int
responseKeyIndex hn = case BS.length bs of
4 -> if bs == "date" then fromEnum ResDate else -1
6 -> if bs == "server" then fromEnum ResServer else -1
13 -> if bs == "last-modified" then fromEnum ResLastModified else -1
14 -> if bs == "content-length" then fromEnum ResContentLength else -1
4 | bs == "date" -> fromEnum ResDate
6 | bs == "server" -> fromEnum ResServer
13 | bs == "last-modified" -> fromEnum ResLastModified
14 | bs == "content-length" -> fromEnum ResContentLength
_ -> -1
bs = foldedCase hn
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