A package for computing hybrid force-velocity control actions to execute a contact-rich motion plan robustly.
matlab implementation: algorithm/matlab/solvehfvc.m
c++ implementation: algorithm/c++/solvehfvc.h
Author: Yifan Hou yifanh at cmu dot edu
Reference Yifan Hou, and Matthew T. Mason, " Robust Execution of Contact-Rich Motion Plans by Hybrid Force-Velocity Control“, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2019.
This is a ROS package.
If you only need the matlab implementation, no install is necessary. algorithm/matlab/solvehfvc.m
is self-contained.
- /algorithm Implementation of the hybrid servoing algorithm, in both matlab and c++.
- /examples/ (under development) Examples of solving contact-rich manipulation problems in Matlab.
- /experiments/ (under development) Run experiments of the examples. Use Matlab GUI with c++ solver.