Welcome to Joe, your personal assistant for managing tasks! Below is a guide on how to use all the important features of Joe.
- Ensure that you have the latest Java 11.
- Download the Joe.jar file present in this repository.
- Create a new empty folder to use as the home folder for Joe, on your local drive.
- Copy the jar file to the folder you have created.
- Open a command terminal, cd to the folder with Joe.jar in it, and use java -jar Joe.jar to run the application.
- The welcome message for Jarvas should be printed to the console.
- Type commands in the command line and press Enter to execute it.
Allows you to add tasks without a specific deadline. These tasks can be anything from daily chores to long-term goals.
Enables you to set tasks that must be completed by a certain date and time, helping you manage your deadlines effectively.
Helps you schedule events for specific dates and times, ensuring you never forget important appointments.
Provides an overview of all your tasks, including todos, deadlines, and events, in one place.
Gives you the satisfaction of marking tasks as completed once you finish them.
Mark tasks as not done in case you marked them as completed by mistake.
Allows you to remove a task from your list once it's no longer relevant or has been mistakenly added.
Allows you to quickly find tasks by searching for a keyword.
Add a task without a deadline.
Example of usage:
todo Read a book
Expected outcome:
A new todo task is added to your list.
Added: [T][ ] Read a book
Specify a task that needs to be completed by a certain date and time.
Example of usage:
deadline Submit assignment /by 2023-03-21 2359
Expected outcome:
A new task with a deadline is added to your list.
Added: [D][ ] Submit assignment (by: Mar 21 2023, 23:59)
Schedule an event with a specific start and end time.
Example of usage:
event Project meeting /from 2023-03-15 1400 /to 2023-03-15 1600
Expected outcome:
A new event is added to your list.
Added: [E][ ] Project meeting (from: Mar 15 2023, 14:00 to Mar 15 2023, 16:00)
Displays all your tasks.
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
A list of all tasks, including todos, deadlines, and events.
1. [T][ ] Read a book
2. [D][ ] Submit assignment (by: Mar 21 2023, 23:59)
3. [E][ ] Project meeting (from: Mar 15 2023, 14:00 to Mar 15 2023, 16:00)
Mark a specific task as done by its list number.
Example of usage:
mark 1
Expected outcome:
The first task in the list is marked as done.
Sure thinggg! I've marked this task as done, just for you:
[T] [X] read book
Mark a specific task as not done by its list number.
Example of usage:
unmark 1
Expected outcome:
The first task in the list is marked as not done.
Sure thinggg! I've marked this task as not done yet just for you:
[T] [ ] read book
Delete a task from your list by specifying its number.
Example of usage:
delete 1
Expected outcome:
The first task in your list is removed, and Joe confirms the deletion.
Okayyyy, I've removed this task:
[T][ ] Read a book
Now you have X tasks in the list.
Find and list all tasks that contain the specified keyword.
Example of usage:
find book
Expected outcome:
A list of tasks containing the keyword "book".
Ok cutie patootie, here are the matching tasks in your list:
1.[T] [X] read book
2.[D] [ ] return book (by: Dec 20 2023, 18:00)
Exits chatbot and writes task list data to Joe.txt. Exiting the chatbot without the command bye may write to Joe.txt but may also result in corruption.
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
Displays goodbye message and exits the chatbot.
Love ya <3 See ya!!