Writeup thailand cyber top talent 2022 ระดับประชาชนทั่วไป
Our good agent finds a document left on a CEO's table. It seems to be a totally useless piece of document. Would you agree with our good agent?
Our good agent receives a suspicious file but cannot open it. Could you help our good agent investigate the file? https://github.com/yosasasutsut/TCTT2022/blob/main/forensic-challenge02.zip
Our good agent intercept an image of an ancient time teller. Are you wonder what it is trying to tell? Maybe, is shift button working? https://github.com/yosasasutsut/TCTT2022/blob/main/forensic-challenge03.zip
Our good agent is a bad singer but he loves to sing. Could you help him with the signing and surely everything is connected https://github.com/yosasasutsut/TCTT2022/blob/main/forensic-challenge04.zip
Our good agent receive an evidence but still has not yet cracked the case and time is running out. Could you help? download file https://1drv.ms/u/s!AkxRscDhET0dgY0PudEsZVP4y6Z-IA?e=wtwGKH
An important system computer has been compromised, Could you help? download file https://1drv.ms/u/s!AkxRscDhET0dgY0QAu3q7Zx_zM2KYw?e=MgyrxR
Our good agent has difficulty decrypting this RSA encrypted message. Could you give him a hand?