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Software Architecture Documentation

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Welcome to the documentation for my static web portofolio. This document provides an overview of the architecture and design decisions behind my software.

System Overview

The primary objective of this system is to host a secure, fast, and scalable static website using AWS services. The solution focuses on achieving the following goals:

  • Hosting a static website on AWS S3 with a root domain bucket that redirects to a sub-domain bucket.
  • Implementing HTTPS support for both the root domain and sub-domain for enhanced security.
  • Utilizing CloudFront distribution for caching static content, ensuring low-latency access globally.
  • Integrating AWS Certificate Manager for SSL/TLS certificates to enable secure connections.
  • Leveraging Route 53 for DNS management and domain routing.
  • Implementing a CI/CD pipeline using AWS CodePipeline for automated deployments.
  • Automating cache invalidation on CloudFront edge locations as part of the CI/CD pipeline.

Architecture Diagram

portfolio [Figure: Showing Static Website Hosting Using CloudFront & CI/CD Automation Architecture]

The architecture involves the following workflow:

  • Developers commit changes to a CodeCommit repository.
  • CodePipeline detects changes and triggers the pipeline.
  • CodeBuild is triggered.
  • AWS Lambda function is invoked to invalidate old CloudFront cache.
  • CloudFront serves content globally with SSL/TLS support.
  • Route 53 routes DNS traffic to CloudFront distributions.