CRUDLFA+ stands for Create Read Update Delete List Form Autocomplete and more.
This plugin for Django makes a rich user interface from Django models, built with Material Components Web Ryzom Components, offering optionnal databinding with channels support.
- last release:
- current master (might be down/broken etc):
This should start the example project from src/crudlfap_example
where each
documented example lives:
# This installs the repo in ./src/crudlfap and in your python user packages, i run this from ~ pip install --user -e git+[example] cd src/crudlfap ./ migrate ./ createsuperuser ./ runserver
- DRY into ModelRouter for all views of a Model,
- extensive CRUD views, actions, etc
- Rich frontend interface out of the box, MDC/Ryzom/Unpoly
- Documentation
- ChatRoom graciously hosted by by YourLabs Business Service on Mattermost
- Mailing list graciously hosted by Google
- For Security issues, please contact [email protected]
- Git graciously hosted by YourLabs Business Service with GitLab
- Package graciously hosted by PyPi,
- Continuous integration graciously hosted by YourLabs Business Service
- Browser test graciously hosted by SauceLabs