Weekly workshops with a new challenge every week.
Week one: Say you are a data scientist working for an investment firm. A client wants to invest their money into california real estate, buying homes in a specific block to airbnb.However, none of the homes are for sale, and the people living inside the homes won't let you appraise their homes because they hate airbnb. How do you find an estimate of their home price using data available to you?
Solution: HousePrices.ipynb
Week two: You recently got fired from you job as a data scientist from your job as because they discovered that you lied on your resume and couldn't implement linear regression from scratch. You decide to pivot and work for a newspaper, who is trying to figure out the category of each news article to deliver tailored ads. In addition, they want to create a recommender system to recommend articles to readers. How do you do this?
Solution: 20NewsGroups.ipynb