This repository contains the Android version of SLAMBench. SLAMBench for Android uses the KinectFusion algorithm to evaluate the CPU (and the GPU) performance of mobile phones.
B. Bodin, L. Nardi, M. Z. Zia, H. Wagstaff, G. S. Shenoy, M. Emani, J. Mawer, C. Kotselidis, A. Nisbet, M. Lujan, B. Franke, Paul H. J. Kelly, M. O’Boyle. Integrating algorithmic parameters into benchmarking and design space exploration in dense 3D scene understanding. In Intl. Conf. on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT 2016), Haifa, September 2016.
L. Nardi, B. Bodin, M. Z. Zia, J. Mawer, A. Nisbet, P. H. J. Kelly, A. J. Davison, M. Luján, M. F. P. O’Boyle, G. Riley, N. Topham, and S. Furber. Introducing SLAMBench, a performance and accuracy benchmarking methodology for SLAM. In IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2015), Seattle, Washington USA, May 2015.
- Android Application:
- SLAMBench website:
- SLAMBench repository:
- KinectFusion:
- KFusion:
KinectFusion is a Simultaneous Localization And Mapping algorithm (SLAM) and it uses an RGB-D sensor (like the XBox Kinect).
SLAM algorithms are used:
- to localize a camera in the scene it records, and
- to reconstruct the recorded scene.
RGB-D sensors are :
- a standard camera (RGB), and
- a depth camera (D) to get the distance between the camera and the visible points of the scene.
We are using the SLAMBench implementation (C++,OpenMP,OpenCL) of this algorithm, which itself is inspired from the KFusion implementation (CUDA only). SLAMBench is a framework which includes speed, accuracy and power measurement.
Many vendors include OpenCL in their mobile devices to use the GPUs for computation, and this provides opportunities for real-time vision applications. Vendors also started to integrate RGB-D sensor in their devices, we investigate if KinectFusion is a suitable solution for mobile devices with or without OpenCL.
KinectFusion can be parametrized, but its default configuration is too slow to run on any mobile phones (even the most powerful one). We are using custom configurations (called fast1 to fast4) which make possible to run KinectFusion on these mobile phones.
Well, there is no standard procedure yet, but here is a way...
Just a make
should work, but please read the preparation before.
I prepared it on a clean Fedora 24 Workstation, and this is what I did first :
- Install** Java 1.8**, Python 2.7, GCC
dnf install java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel
dnf install python
dnf install gcc gcc-c++
- If you are running on a 64bit machine you will need to install 32bits dependencies.
dnf install libstdc++-devel.i686 zlib.i686
- Install android-studio -- optional -- (
mkdir -p ~/.local/Android/
mv android-studio ~/.local/Android/android-studio
- Install Android SDK 22 ( this includes then Android SDK Platform-tools , Android SDK Tools , SDK Platform Android 5.1.1 API 22, Android SDK Build-tools 22.0.1, Google APIs Android API 22, Android Support Repository
tar xzf android-sdk_r24.4.1-linux.tgz
mv android-sdk-linux ~/.local/Android/Sdk
~/.local/Android/Sdk/tools/android list sdk --all
~/.local/Android/Sdk/tools/android update sdk -u -a -t "platform-tools,tools,android-22,build-tools-22.0.1,extra-android-m2repository,addon-google_apis-google-22"
- Install Android NDK r10e (
mv android-ndk-r10e ~/.local/Android/android-ndk-r10e
Then you need to fix the absolute paths in ./
echo "sdk.dir=/home/`whoami`/.local/Android/Sdk" > ./
echo "ndk.dir=/home/`whoami`/.local/Android/android-ndk-r10e" >> ./
Just a make
should work.
Once the apk is built, you can install it on a mobile phone using the following command :
adb install ./app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk
- Feel free to fill this section.
- ...