Convert pymol .pse
files to mol-view-spec/
# build and show docs
just serve
cargo test
# to get all the print statements that are sprinkled around.
cargo test -- --nocapture
# build the docs
cargo clean --doc && cargo doc --no-deps --open
# to look at results
cargo test # generate an example
cd test_temporary && python -m http.server
# build the binary and test
cargo build --release
./target/release/pseutils --psefile tests/data/example.pse --outputdir binary_test
# outputs a complete directory
> tree binary_test
├── index.html
├── molstar.css
├── molstar.js
├── pdb
│ └── 1pdb.pdb
├── pdb_contents.txt
└── state.mvsj
- PSE Conversion to Molstar-ready formula.
- Basic processing of molecules and selections