The goal of mripr is to provide a convenient set of tools for downloading and using MRIP data. The package will provide the following functions:
- Download MRIP data from the web
- Load the downloaded data, which also checks this page to see if any data has been modified since it was last downloaded, in which case the updated version is downloaded before proceeding.
- Calculate catch and directed trip estimates, comparable to those from the web query
- Calculate custom catch estimates using custom survey domains
You can install the development version of mripr from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
This call to the calculate_catch()
function uses the 2018 .csv
which are bundled with the package to replicate the output from the MRIP
catch time series query tool with the following options:
by wave
West Florida
all modes combined
all areas combined
total catch
a <- calculate_catch(intdir = system.file("extdata", package = "mripr"),
common = 'GAG',
st = 12,
styr = 2018,
endyr = 2018,
dom = list(mode_fx = list(c(1,2,3,4,5,7)),
area_x = list(c(1,2,3,4,5)),
sub_reg = list(c(7)))
a[c("Domain", "total.catch")]
#> Domain total.catch
#> 2 year2018wave1st12sub_reg1mode_fx1area_x1gag 263833.7
#> 4 year2018wave2st12sub_reg1mode_fx1area_x1gag 451789.1
#> 6 year2018wave3st12sub_reg1mode_fx1area_x1gag 738269.2
#> 8 year2018wave4st12sub_reg1mode_fx1area_x1gag 422932.9
#> 10 year2018wave5st12sub_reg1mode_fx1area_x1gag 181018.9
#> 12 year2018wave6st12sub_reg1mode_fx1area_x1gag 512648.0