Pytorch implementation for our paper
Let the Flows Tell: Solving Graph Combinatorial Optimization Problems with GFlowNets.
Dinghuai Zhang, Hanjun Dai, Nikolay Malkin, Aaron Courville, Yoshua Bengio, Ling Pan.
We formulate a set of graph combinatorial optimization problems as sequential decision-making sampling problems, and design efficient GFlowNet algorithms to tackle them.
pip install hydra-core==1.1.0 omegaconf submitit hydra-submitit-launcher
pip install dgl==0.6.1
cd data/
python --num_graph 4000 --save_dir rb200-300/train
python --num_graph 500 --save_dir rb200-300/test
cd gflownet/
python input=rb200-300 alg=fl bsit=8