(Make sure you're using the latest version of Docker that recognizes docker compose
command instead of docker-compose
otherwise, update ./compose/dev/composeup.sh
$ git clone <project_url>
Remove boilerplate
prefix from these files ./compose/dev/django/boilerplate.env.dev
and ./boilerplate.env
, or
execute copy commands:
$ cp ./compose/dev/django/boilerplate.env.dev ./compose/dev/django/.env.dev
$ cp ./boilerplate.env ./.env
After that fill in empty fields in ./compose/dev/django/.env.dev
and ./.env
$ chmod +x start-project.sh
$ ./start-project.sh
(Two options, tested on Kubuntu 22.04
, Python 3.10.6
, Docker 24.0.5
$ git clone <project_url>
$ # Option 1
$ # before running these commands set up environment variables,
$ # PostgreSQL, Redis and/or Meilisearch by following instructions below starting at `Evironment variables:`
$ chmod +x init-project.sh
$ source ./init-project.sh
$ ./start-project.sh local
$ # in a seperate terminal
$ celery -A core worker -B --loglevel=INFO
$ # Option 2
$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ # and follow all the steps below
Set up environment variables (generate a secure key/password for each variable name):
$ export MEILISEARCH_V_1_MASTER_KEY="<master-key>"
$ export POSTGRES_V_1_PASSWORD="<password>"
$ export DJANGO_V_1_SECRET_KEY="<secret-key>"
$ export POSTGRES_DB_NAME="v_1"
$ export DATABASE="postgres"
$ export POSTGRES_HOST=""
$ export POSTGRES_PORT="5432"
$ export POSTGRES_USER="postgres"
$ export REDIS_HOST=""
$ export REDIS_PORT="6379"
$ export REDIS_URL="redis://"
# not required if MEILISEARCH_DISABLED is set to 1
$ export MEILISEARCH_PORT="7700"
$ export MEILISEARCH_URL="http://meilisearch:7700"
$ export DEBUG="1"
$ export ALLOWED_HOSTS="localhost [::1]"
$ export CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=" http://localhost:5173"
$ export CLIENT_BASE_URL=""
$ export ADMINS='[{"name": "Joe", "email": "[email protected]"}, {"name": "Jane", "email": "[email protected]"}]'
$ # not required if CLOUDFLARE_TURNSTILE_DISABLED is set to 1
$ export CLOUDFLARE_TURNSTILE_TOKEN="<secret-token>"
$ # not required if GOOGLE_OAUTH_DISABLED is set to 1
*(Meilisearch is not essential for running this application as a standalone REST API, If you wish to disable it and omit the rest of this paragraph set MEILISEARCH_DISABLED
environemt variable
to "1"
Run an instance of Meilisearch in Docker, or refer to the Meilisearch documentation for other options.
(Ensure to add meili_data/
volume to the .gitignore
, alternatively execute this command in a different directory suited for a storage).
$ sudo docker pull getmeili/meilisearch:v1.5
$ # optionally, include --rm flag
$ sudo docker run -it --name meilisearch-v-1-dev -d -p 7700:7700 -e MEILI_MASTER_KEY=$MEILISEARCH_V_1_MASTER_KEY -v $(pwd)/meili_data:/meili_data getmeili/meilisearch:v1.3
# don't run these commands if you're planning to use bash scripts (Option 1)
$ # if MEILISEARCH_DISABLED is set to "0", run these commands that create and update `speeds`, a Meilisearch index
$ python3 manage.py createspeedsindex
$ python3 manage.py updatespeedsindex
Run an instance of PostgreSQL in Docker, or refer to the PostgreSQL documentation for other options.
(Ensure to add postgres/data
volume to the .gitignore
, alternatively execute this command in a different directory suited for a storage).
(To free up the port if PostgreSQL is already running on your system, you can use the following command: $ sudo systemctl stop postgresql.service
or modify the port number in the command below, which will require a corresponding update in environment variables
as well).
$ sudo docker pull postgres:14.9
$ sudo docker run -itd -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$POSTGRES_V_1_PASSWORD -e POSTGRES_DB=v_1 -p 5432:5432 -v $(pwd)/postgres/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data --name postgres-v-1 postgres:14.9
$ sudo docker exec -it postgres-v-1 createdb -U postgres v_1
# don't run these commands if you're planning to use bash scripts (Option 1)
$ python3 manage.py migrate
$ python3 manage.py createsuperuser
$ python3 manage.py createuser --sentinel deleted
Run an instance of PostgreSQL in Docker, or refer to the Redis documentation for other options.
$ docker run --name redis-v-1-dev -p 6379:6379 -d redis:7.2.1-alpine
$ python3 manage.py runserver
$ # in a seperate terminal window
$ celery -A core worker -B --loglevel=INFO
Verification and password reset links in emails are hardcoded, they work with the frontend, example:
for DRF Browsable API use:
password reset- /<id>&token=<token>