ZelCash Swing Wallet v5.0.0
ZelCash Swing Wallet - The entry to your private world.
A full node wallet for ZelCash offering friendly UI to all users accross all platforms - Windows, Linux and macOS. The best choice for a full node wallet featuring private transactions and messages.
Version 5.0.0.
Let's customize!
- Updated icons.
- Fully customizable colors.
- Multi currency support.
- Market information.
- Signed releases.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes some EOF errors.
- Fixes some typos.
Security information
Calculated SHA256 hashes:
GPG Fingerprint
4F7F EBBF 1BDD D239 7DAB E2CF 4B69 CA27 A986 265D
All releases are signed by Zel Technologies GmbH. Always verify certificate/signature and calculated hashes prior running any application.
Additional information
Windows and macOS release are plug&play - they contain ZelCash latest 1.1.0 binaries, automatically downloads all Zcash parameters and creates configuration file. Linux release requires ZelCash to be installed, parameters and configuration file needs to be present. Check out ZelCash github for more information on how to install ZelCash itself at https://github.com/zelcash/zelcash
Zel Technologies GmbH