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Merge pull request #496 from pfebrer/493-faster-density
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Calculate psi values on a sparse grid, to accelerate multiple calculations.
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zerothi authored Jun 19, 2024
2 parents 050126a + 718b7ab commit 3979468
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Showing 7 changed files with 2,061 additions and 59 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/sisl/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,17 @@ foreach(source _indices _math_small)

# Python files that can be compiled with cython (Pure Python syntax)
foreach(source _sparse_grid_ops)
SOURCE ${source}.py
LIBRARY ${source}
OUTPUT ${source}_C
install(TARGETS ${source} LIBRARY

# Add other sub-directories
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207 changes: 206 additions & 1 deletion src/sisl/_core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
from scipy.sparse import csr_array

import sisl._array as _a
from sisl._category import Category, GenericCategory
Expand All @@ -45,7 +46,7 @@
from sisl._internal import set_module
from sisl._math_small import cross3, is_ascending
from sisl._math_small import cross3, is_ascending, xyz_to_spherical_cos_phi
from sisl._namedindex import NamedIndex
from sisl.messages import SislError, deprecate_argument, deprecation, info, warn
from sisl.shape import Cube, Shape, Sphere
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3610,6 +3611,210 @@ def within_inf(
# infinite supercell indices
return self.asc2uc(idx), xyz, isc

def _orbital_values(self, grid_shape: Tuple[int, int, int]):
r"""Calculates orbital values for a given grid.
the grid shape (i.e. resolution) in which to calculate the orbital values.
This method does not belong on this geometry. It will be removed eventually.
# We need to import these here to avoid circular imports.
from sisl import Grid
from sisl._sparse_grid import SparseGridOrbitalBZ

# In the following we don't care about division
# So 1) save error state, 2) turn off divide by 0, 3) calculate, 4) turn on old error state
old_err = np.seterr(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore")

# Instead of looping all atoms in the supercell we find the exact atoms
# and their supercell indices.
add_R = _a.fulld(3, self.maxR())
# Calculate the required additional vectors required to increase the fictitious
# supercell by add_R in each direction.
# For extremely skewed lattices this will be way too much, hence we make
# them square.
o =
lattice = Lattice(o._v + np.diag(2 * add_R), origin=o.origin - add_R)

# Retrieve all atoms within the grid supercell
# (and the neighbours that connect into the cell)
IA, XYZ, ISC = self.within_inf(lattice, periodic=self.pbc)
XYZ -= self.lattice.origin.reshape(1, 3)

# within_inf translates atoms to the unit cell to compute
# supercell indices. Here we revert that
ISC -= np.floor(self.fxyz[IA]).astype(int32)

def xyz2spherical(xyz, offset):
"""Calculate the spherical coordinates from indices"""
rx = xyz[:, 0] - offset[0]
ry = xyz[:, 1] - offset[1]
rz = xyz[:, 2] - offset[2]

xyz_to_spherical_cos_phi(rx, ry, rz)
return rx, ry, rz

def sphere_grid_index(grid, center, R):

corners = np.mgrid[-1:2:2, -1:2:2, -1:2:2].T * R + center
corners = corners.reshape(-1, 3)

corners_i = grid.index(corners)

cmin = np.maximum(corners_i.min(axis=0), 0)
cmax = np.maximum(corners_i.max(axis=0) + 1, 0)

rx = slice(cmin[0], min(cmax[0], grid.shape[0]))
ry = slice(cmin[1], min(cmax[1], grid.shape[1]))
rz = slice(cmin[2], min(cmax[2], grid.shape[2]))

indices = np.mgrid[rx, ry, rz].reshape(3, -1).T

return indices

# Get the size of the auxiliary supercell needed to store orbital values.
nsc = abs(ISC).max(axis=0) * 2 + 1
sp_grid_geom = self.copy()

# Initialize a fake grid to compute some quantities related to the grid distribution
grid = Grid(grid_shape, geometry=self)

# Estimate a top limit on how many values we need to store. We estimate it by expecting
# each orbital to fill a sphere of radius R, being R the radius of the orbital. We also
# add a margin of 1 voxel so that we don't underestimate because of rounding.
dvolume = grid.dvolume
margin_R = np.linalg.norm(grid.dcell.sum(axis=0))
vol = 0.0
for atom, indices in self.sub(IA).atoms.iter(species=True):
vol += (4 / 3 * np.pi * (atom.R + margin_R) ** 3).sum() * len(indices)

max_vals = int(vol / dvolume)

# Array storing all the grid values
grid_values = np.zeros(max_vals, dtype=np.float64)
# Orbital indices for each orbital that has a nonzero value in the grid.
orbital_indices = np.full(max_vals, -1, dtype=np.int32)
# For each value, its index of the grid. Even if the grid is 3 dimensional,
# we store the raveled index. That is, a single integer representing the position
# of the point. One can always unravel the index if needed.
grid_indices = np.zeros(max_vals, dtype=np.int32)

# print(
# f"Estimated memory required:",
# (orbital_indices.size * 32 + grid_values.size * 64 + grid_indices.size * 32) / 8 / 1024 / 1024,
# "MB"
# )

# Temporal variables that will help us keep track of the construction of the arrays.
i_value = 0
first_orbs = self.firsto
isc_off = sp_grid_geom.isc_off

# Loop over all atoms in the grid-cell
for ia, ia_xyz, isc in zip(IA, XYZ, ISC):
# Get current atom
atom = self.atoms[ia]

# Get the index of the cell where this atom is in the auxiliary supercell
index_sc = isc_off[isc[0], isc[1], isc[2]]
# And use it to calculate the offset on the orbital index.
io_offset = * index_sc

# Extract maximum R
R = atom.maxR()

if R <= 0.0:
warn(f"Atom '{atom}' does not have a wave-function, skipping atom.")

idx = sphere_grid_index(grid, ia_xyz, R)

if len(idx) == 0:

# Get real-space coordinates for the atom
grid_xyz = dot(idx, grid.dcell)
# Convert them to spherical coordinates
at_r, at_theta, at_cos_phi = xyz2spherical(grid_xyz, ia_xyz)

del grid_xyz
# Merge the three components of spherical coordinates into one array.
at_spherical = np.array([at_r, at_theta, at_cos_phi]).T

# Filter out points where the distance to the atom is less than its max R.
at_nonzero = at_spherical[:, 0] < R
idx = idx[at_nonzero]
at_spherical = at_spherical[at_nonzero]

if len(idx) == 0:

# Ravel multi index to save space. That is, convert the 3D grid index
# into a single integer. One can always unravel them if needed.
idx = (
idx[:, 0] * grid.shape[1] * grid.shape[2]
+ idx[:, 1] * grid.shape[2]
+ idx[:, 2]

# Loop over the orbitals
for io, orb in enumerate(atom.orbitals):
# Get the index of this orbital
uc_io = first_orbs[ia] + io

orb_spherical = at_spherical
orb_indices = idx

# The orbital's R might not be the maximum R of the atom. In that case,
# we don't need to calculate the values for all the grid points that are within
# the atom's range.
if R - orb.R > 1e-6:
# Check which coordinates are not within this orbital's range (the radius is bigger than orbital radius)
orb_nonzero = orb_spherical[:, 0] < orb.R

orb_spherical = orb_spherical[orb_nonzero]
orb_indices = orb_indices[orb_nonzero]

# Number of grid values that we are going to compute for this orbital
orb_nvals = orb_spherical.shape[0]

# If there are no values to add, go to the next orbital
if orb_nvals == 0:

# Compute the psi values for the grid points we are interested in
psi = orb.psi_spher(*orb_spherical.T, cos_phi=True)

# Update the data structure
values_i = slice(i_value, i_value + orb_nvals)
grid_values[values_i] = psi
grid_indices[values_i] = orb_indices
orbital_indices[values_i] = uc_io + io_offset

# Update the index where new values should be stored
i_value += orb_nvals

# Reset the error code for division

# Cut the arrays to return only the parts that have been filled
grid_values = grid_values[:i_value]
grid_indices = grid_indices[:i_value]
orbital_indices = orbital_indices[:i_value]

psi_values = csr_array(
(grid_values, (grid_indices, orbital_indices)),
shape=(, sp_grid_geom.no_s),

return SparseGridOrbitalBZ(grid.shape, psi_values, geometry=sp_grid_geom)

# Create pickling routines
def __getstate__(self):
"""Returns the state of this object"""
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