git clone
--- Instead of cloning, you can also creat a new repository at local machine (go to the directory at your local machine)
git init
git remote add origin
git status
3. Include untracked files or update unstaged files at git status check (after you make changes to files in local repository)
git add {filename}
git add .
git add *
git add -A
git restore {filename}
git commit -m "updated the README with more commands"
git add . && git commit -m "add more lines"
git log
git push
git push -u origin main
git push origin {new_remote_branch}
--- Retrieve/Fetch remote-tracking branches (After fetch, you can merge the received commits into local branch using git merge)
git fetch
git fetch {remote_repository} {remote_branch}
git pull
git pull origin {remote_branch}:{local_branch}
git pull {remote_repository} {remote_branch}:{local_branch}
git checkout -b {new_local_branch} origin/{remote_branch}
% Note pull may create merge conflict between remote and local that you need to be fix and commit the change
git config --global --edit
git --help
git reset {filename}
git reset --hard origin/{branch_name}
git remote -v
git branch -a
git diff {main_branch} {new_branch}
git branch {new_branch}
git branch {new_branch} {base_branch}
git branch {new_local_branch} {remote_repository}/{remote_branch}
git checkout -b {new_branch}
git checkout -b {new_local_branch} origin/{remote_branch}
git checkout {branch_name}
git branch --list
git branch -D {branch_to_be_deleted}
git branch -M {branch_to_be renamed}
git branch -C {branch_to_be_copied}
git push origin --delete {remote_branch_to_be_deleted}
git merge {branch_name}
git fetch origin {remote_branch} && git merge origin/{remote_branch}
git fetch {remote_repository} {remote_branch} && git merge {remote_repository}/{remote_branch}
% There may be merge conflict which needs your check into files and make modifications
% Merge conflict has to be resolved before switch branch