NOTE: This project is archived from 2007. It is not being actively developed.
Z-Shell is an open-source, managed, Windows replacement shell written entirely in VB.NET. If you don't know what a Windows shell is or why you would want to replace it, see the FAQ. The end vision is to have a highly customizable, theme/style-based shell and editor. You will be able to actually design every part of the shell from menus to panels to taskbars using a fairly simple theme editor.
Z-Shell is managed by Z-Systems. The Z-Systems site also contains a Z-Shell page.
Table of Contents
July 5th, 2007 - The Z-Shell Guide to Developing a Replacement Shell has been started with a few chapters.
April 17th 2007 - The project has been published! The initial source code is available.
Z-Shell is currently in a very unstable state. There is no file system browser yet, but the current setup consists of a working start menu, and working taskbar, and a working notification area. Small pieces are missing in what is there, and there are probably many bugs. It is not yet recommended that you use it regularly, except for testing.