The server distributing static content also handles the upload of new static files and performs the deletion of sparklines triggered by the sparklines-generator.
In the current implementation, it is crucial to limit API endpoint access to the local network only, thereby preventing any external network requests. Nginx can be used as one possible method to enforce this restriction.
Navigate to the project directory and run the following command to install all necessary dependencies:
npm install
Create a '.env' file in the root directory of the project using the following template:
# .env file
TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN='' # Enter your Telegram bot token here
ERROR_ALERT_CHANNEL_ID='' # Telegram channel ID for error notifications
CORS_ORIGIN_URL=http://localhost:3000 # URL for CORS origin
Run the following command to start the server:
npm start
Upon successful startup, the console will display a message indicating that the server is running. This message will reflect the IP address and port specified in your .env file. For example:
Server is running on