HOL Light Metadata and Dependency Tracker
Install Nix
Clone the repository, and then in the main directory (containing default.nix) run
This will download, compile and then place you in an environment containing everything you need to run HOListic. To start HOL Light:
cd hollight
ocaml -I $findlib
This starts Ocaml with the directory =$findlib= in the Ocaml include path. The file =.ocamlinit= in the =hollight= directory is automatically loaded, which, in turn, loads the core of HOL Light. Dependency data is automatically recorded, which you can convert to JSON with code such as:
(* Convert Ocaml metadata to internal JSON. Don't serialise out term trees, nor proofs. *)
let json = all_json ~json_terms:false ~json_proofs:false () in
(* Open "meta.json" for writing. *)
let out = open_out "meta.json" in
(* Output the JSON. *)
let () = output_string out (Ezjsonm.to_string json) in
close_out out;;