Contera - a tool to detect and delete non-target organisms and adapters contamination in your genome assembly. Contera Uses BLAST against NT and custom adapters databases to find contaminations.
Contera is written and tested on python >= 3.5. To run it you should install BLAST NT database on your system (~ 110GB)
To install contera with Conda use following command:
conda create -c contera_env -c zilov contera
And than activate the environment: conda activate contera_env
If you do not have database in your system, you can download it with following command (Please make sure that you have 120 Gb of free space!):
contera -m download_db -o /path/to/outdir
If you already have database in your system, please add CONTERA_DB in your PATH with the following command (Make sure tha database was build with makeblastdb!):
export CONTERA_BLAST=/path/to/blast_db_folder/nt
Contera has three modes to run:
Contamination - to check for contamination with BLAST NT database and delete it from your genome assembly, to run it use:
contera -m cont -a /path/to/assembly.fasta -db /path/to/blast_db -o /path/to/outdir
Adapters - to check for contamination with adapters database, to run it use:
contera -m adapter -a /path/to/assembly.fasta -o /path/to/outdir
All-in-one (default) - to check for both adapters and other organisms contaminations, to run it use:
contera -a /path/to/assembly.fasta -db /path/to/blast_db -o /path/to/outdir
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m {aio, cont, adapter, download_db}, --mode {aio, cont, adapter, download_db}
mode to use [default = aio]
-a ASSEMBLY, --assembly ASSEMBLY
path to genome assembly in FASTA format
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
prefix for output files
-l LENGTH, --length LENGTH
length threshold to delete short contigs
-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
output directory
-db BLAST_DB, --blast_db BLAST_DB
path to blast nucleotide (nt) database
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
number of threads [default == 8]
-d, --debug do not run, print commands only