port-proxy with service install
original source from "Accordata Port-Proxy V0.95" http://www.accordata.net/downloads/port-proxy/
connection pending/freeze patch & linux upstart script by Jioh L. Jung([email protected])
- run install.sh script. this script automatically generate upstart script for service.
- set /etc/port-proxy.conf
- service port-proxy restart
# listening port or port with binding ip , destination
export PORT_PROXY_LISTS="80,localhost:8080|,www.naver.com:80"
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ziozzang/port-proxy/master/src/install.sh | bash
All the configuration is done in the file port-proxy.conf, which is readed from the current directory when starting port-proxy
There are the following parameters which can apear multiple times:
forward=local addr,destination addr,[proxy 1],[proxy 2]
- local addr : Define where port-proxy listen for connections. It can be either a port or an address with port (eg.; localhost:8080) Without an address your system listens on all interfaces, also an dialup line.
- destination addr : Defines the destination as addr:port (eg. or remotehost.com:80) Please note: If you use an proxy, this address is from the view of the proxy. If you use localhost or it addresses the proxy host. If you enter the special address [PROXY], port-proxy behave like an https proxy an reads the destination from the connecting client.
- proxy 1 Defines an https proxy to use.
- proxy 2 Defines an 2nd https proxy to use. This is usally port-proxy listening an port 443
Defines which destinations are allowed if you use [PROXY] as destination.
Addr is executed with perl regex and my be something like this:
allow_proxy_to=localhost:23 # allow telnet
allow_proxy_to=192.168..*:80 # http to all 192.168.x.x
Example 1: Port forwarding
Task: Allow access to a service on a know host
[client] --- [proxy] --- [remote]
Your client has no access to [remote], but has access to [proxy], To fetch mail from [remote], you may configure on [proxy]:
Your client connects to [proxy] an port 110 an fetches mail from remote.com.
Example 2: Port forwarding with https tunnel
Task: Your client want to telnet to a know host, but is behind an firewall with only access to an https proxy. Configuration on Client (not working):
Since most proxys allow only connection to port 443 you don't has access to remote.com:23. To get it work, you need to setup telnet on port 443 at remote.com:
- Insert in inetd.conf of remote.com:
443 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.telnetd
- Use configuration:
- On your client use:
telnet localhost 9023
Another disadvantage is that you only can configure one service on port 443.
Example 3: Port forwarding with https tunnel and an special proxy to access individual remote addesses
[client] --- [https-proxy] --- [remote host proxy:443] -- [remote service]
To cover the problems noted above, port-proxy can behave like an proxy listening an port 443 and forward to your needed service.
You need to run port-proxy on [client] and [remote] port-proxy.conf on your client (telnet example):
(Note: 'localhost:23' is from the view of remote.com. Therefore it addresses telnet on remote.com)
port-proxy.conf on remote.com:
forward=443,[PROXY] # Listen on port 443 and behave like an https proxy
allow_proxy_to=localhost:23 # telnet
Connection flow:
- On client: telnet localhost:9023
- port-proxy connects to https-proxy:8080
- https-proxy connects to remote.com:443
- port-proxy an remote.com connects localhost:23 (telnet)
perl port-proxy [-d] [-D] [-c conffile]
-d Enable debug output
-D Become a background process (detach don't work on windows)
-c conffile Specify an config file
/usr/bin/port-proxy -D -c /etc/port-proxy.conf
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