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This is a tutorial for using ezkl's WASM bindings as a prover and verifier.

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Getting Started

It is useful to have a verifier on a blockchain. However, sometimes you just want to generate and verify proofs in the browser. Thankfully, ezkl supports a WASM environment that you can use to generate proofs and verify them in-browser. For those who are unfamiliar, here is a good resource on WASM and here you can find the functions we define for ezkl's WASM interface. Let's get started!

First, we need to add the wasm32-unknown-unknown target to our rustup configuration. wasm32-unknown-unknown is is a target for creating WebAssembly binaries. The wasm32 part represents the platform (WASM 32 bit in our case). The first unknown specifies the operating system we are building on. We want to build on any operating system since we're just building on browser. The second unknown refers to the target's standard library (Rust/C++ std), but with WASM, we won't be using one. We add this as a target with:

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Note that you should be on Rust's nightly release channel when interacting with ezkl.

Another thing we need before we get our .wasm file is LLVM. LLVM is a compiler tool that will help us use libraries that are essential for compiling our Rust ezkl code to a WASM binary fit for wasm32-unknown-unknown. You can get the latest release here (especially for Windows users) or install it with a package manager:


sudo apt install llvm
sudo apt install clang-12

Mac: You can use Homebrew to install llvm. This library comes with clang, which we'll also need.

brew install --debug llvm
export PATH=/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin:$PATH

After this step, make sure you have access to the PATH for both clang and llvm. We'll be using environment variables such as CC=/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin/clang for the remainder of the project.

Install wasm-pack

curl -sSf | sh

Now, navigate to your fork or branch of ezkl and install the WASM server runner:

cargo install wasm-server-runner

With this, we're finally able to compile our .wasm file! You can do that with this command:

AR=/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-ar  CC=/opt/llvm/bin/clang wasm-pack build --target web . -- -Z build-std="panic_abort,std"

Make sure that you supply the correct paths for llvm-ar and clang (AR and CC). You can use brew info llvm on Mac or dpkg -L llvm for Linux.

This command will generate a directory called pkg in our root ezkl directory. Within it, you will find these files:

  • .gitignore
  • ezkl_lib_bg.wasm
  • ezkl_lib_bg.wasm.d.ts
  • ezkl_lib.d.ts
  • ezkl_lib.js
  • package.json

Remove the .gitignore file if you want to add pkg to your root git directory.

If something goes wrong, be certain that the paths to your llvm-ar and clang libraries are correct. Also make sure wasm-pack is installed and that your .cargo/config file in ezkl looks like this:

runner = 'wasm-bindgen-test-runner'
rustflags = ["-C", "target-feature=+atomics,+bulk-memory,+mutable-globals"]

Creating a frontend

Now that we have the wasm-pack package, we can build a simple frontend that uses its exports to prove and verify models (we would love to see projects using this in more intricate ways). Here's what we'll do step-by-step:

We'll be using the ezkl library to pass in the serialized circuit(.onnx) and runargs to our gen_circuit_params_wasm function. In order to generate a serialized runargs file, you'll need to generate it. You can do this by adding a new Rust file to ezkl/src/bin (feel free to call it Paste this code there:

mod genscript {
    use ezkl_lib::commands::RunArgs;
    use std::fs::File;
    use std::io::Write;
    use ezkl_lib::circuit::Tolerance;
    pub fn gen_run_args() {
        let run_args = RunArgs {
            tolerance: Tolerance::default(),
            scale: 7,
            bits: 16,
            logrows: 17,
            batch_size: 1,
            public_inputs: false,
            public_outputs: true,
            public_params: false,
            pack_base: 1,
            allocated_constraints: Some(1000), // assuming an arbitrary value here for the sake of the example
        let serialized_run_args =
            bincode::serialize(&run_args).expect("Failed to serialize RunArgs");
        // Write the serialized runargs to a file.
        let mut rafile = File::create("run_args.params").expect("Failed to create file");
            .expect("Failed to write data to file");
 fn main() {

From here, feel free to change the RunArgs as you please to make the best SNARK for your circuit. These are the arguments you see here. After you run the main function with cargo run --bin genscript, you will have a file called run_args.params. You can use this as the second parameter for gen_circuit_params_wasm.

We will use the circuit file generated in this step to pass to our gen_pk_wasm function along with our commitment scheme parameters (kzg.params) and serialized circuit.

After this gives us our pk.key file, we will use that along with the input data(.json), the serialized circuit, the serialized circuit parameters, and our commitment scheme paramenters to trigger our prove_wasm function.

When the network.proof file is created here, we will pass that along with the verify key and serialized circuit parameters to our verify_wasm function. It is important to note that you will have a lot of this information after you create a circuit with ezkl. Feel free to store them in your project (perhaps .gitignore-ing them). Now that we know what will happen, let's begin with the frontend.

  1. Make a new directory for your project.
  2. copy your new pkg directory into the project
  3. create an index.html and paste this code in:

    <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />

    <script type="module">
        // Importing the necessary functions from the WASM module
        import init, { prove_wasm, verify_wasm, gen_circuit_params_wasm, gen_pk_wasm, gen_vk_wasm } from './pkg/ezkl_lib.js';

        async function run() {
            try {
                // Initialize the WASM module
                await init();

                // Function to read an uploaded file and return its content as a Uint8ClampedArray
                function readUploadedFileAsText(inputFileElement) {
                    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                        const file = inputFileElement.files[0];
                        const reader = new FileReader();

                        reader.onload = event => {
                            const arrayBuffer =;
                            resolve(new Uint8ClampedArray(arrayBuffer));

                        reader.onerror = error => {
                            reject(new Error('File could not be read: ' + error));

                // Adding event listeners for gen_circuit_params_wasm, gen_pk_wasm, gen_vk_wasm
                document.getElementById("genCircuitParamsButton").addEventListener("click", async () => {
                    try {
                        const circuit_ser = await readUploadedFileAsText(document.getElementById("circuit_ser_gen"));
                        const run_args_ser = await readUploadedFileAsText(document.getElementById("run_args_ser_gen"));
                        const result_cp = await gen_circuit_params_wasm(circuit_ser, run_args_ser);

                        document.getElementById("genCircuitParamsResult").innerText = result_cp ? 'Generation successful' : 'Generation failed';

                        // Creating a blob and a URL for it from the result
                        const blob = new Blob([result_cp.buffer], { type: 'application/octet-stream' });
                        const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

                        // Creating a hidden anchor element, adding it to the document,
                        // clicking it to download the file and then removing the element
                        const g = document.createElement("a");
                        g.href = url;
               = 'circuit';
               = 'none';
                        setTimeout(() => {
                        }, 0);

                    } catch (error) {
                        console.error("An error occurred generating circuit parameters:", error);

                document.getElementById("genPkButton").addEventListener("click", async () => {
                    try {
                        const circuit_ser = await readUploadedFileAsText(document.getElementById("circuit_ser_pk"));
                        const params_ser = await readUploadedFileAsText(document.getElementById("params_ser_pk"));
                        const circuit_params_ser = await readUploadedFileAsText(document.getElementById("circuit_params_ser_pk"));
                        const result_pk = await gen_pk_wasm(circuit_ser, params_ser, circuit_params_ser);
                        document.getElementById("genPkResult").innerText = result_pk ? 'Generation successful' : 'Generation failed';

                        // Creating a blob and a URL for it from the result
                        const blob = new Blob([result_pk.buffer], { type: 'application/octet-stream' });
                        const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

                        // Creating a hidden anchor element, adding it to the document,
                        // clicking it to download the file and then removing the element
                        const pk = document.createElement("a");
                        pk.href = url;
               = 'pk.key';
               = 'none';
                        setTimeout(() => {
                        }, 0);
                    } catch (error) {
                        console.error("An error occurred generating proving key:", error);

                document.getElementById("genVkButton").addEventListener("click", async () => {
                    try {
                        const pk_ser = await readUploadedFileAsText(document.getElementById("pk_ser"));
                        const circuit_params_ser = await readUploadedFileAsText(document.getElementById("circuit_params_ser_vk"));
                        const result_vk = await gen_vk_wasm(pk_ser, circuit_params_ser);
                        document.getElementById("genVkResult").innerText = result_vk ? 'Generation successful' : 'Generation failed';

                        // Creating a blob and a URL for it from the result
                        const blob = new Blob([result_vk.buffer], { type: 'application/octet-stream' });
                        const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

                        // Creating a hidden anchor element, adding it to the document,
                        // clicking it to download the file and then removing the element
                        const vk = document.createElement("a");
                        vk.href = url;
               = 'vk.key';
               = 'none';
                        setTimeout(() => {
                        }, 0);
                    } catch (error) {
                        console.error("An error occurred generating verifying key:", error);

                // Adding an event listener to the proveButton
                document.getElementById("proveButton").addEventListener("click", async () => {
                    try {
                        // Reading the content of the input files
                        const data = await readUploadedFileAsText(document.getElementById("data_prove"));
                        const pk = await readUploadedFileAsText(document.getElementById("pk_prove"));
                        const circuit_ser = await readUploadedFileAsText(document.getElementById("circuit_ser_prove"));
                        const circuit_params_ser = await readUploadedFileAsText(document.getElementById("circuit_params_ser_prove"));
                        const params_ser = await readUploadedFileAsText(document.getElementById("params_ser_prove"));

                        // Using the WASM function to get a result
                        const result = await prove_wasm(data, pk, circuit_ser, circuit_params_ser, params_ser);

                        document.getElementById("proveResult").innerText = result ? 'Proof OK' : 'Proof failed';

                        // Creating a blob and a URL for it from the result
                        const blob = new Blob([result.buffer], { type: 'application/octet-stream' });
                        const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

                        // Creating a hidden anchor element, adding it to the document,
                        // clicking it to download the file and then removing the element
                        const a = document.createElement("a");
                        a.href = url;
               = 'network.proof';
               = 'none';
                        setTimeout(() => {
                        }, 0);
                    } catch (error) {
                        console.error("An error occurred during proving:", error);

                // Adding an event listener to the verifyButton
                document.getElementById("verifyButton").addEventListener("click", async () => {
                    try {
                        // Reading the content of the input files
                        const proof_js = await readUploadedFileAsText(document.getElementById("proof_js"));
                        const vk = await readUploadedFileAsText(document.getElementById("vk"));
                        const circuit_params_ser = await readUploadedFileAsText(document.getElementById("circuit_params_ser_verify"));
                        const params_ser = await readUploadedFileAsText(document.getElementById("params_ser_verify"));

                        // Using the WASM function to get a result
                        const result = await verify_wasm(proof_js, vk, circuit_params_ser, params_ser);

                        // Displaying the result
                        document.getElementById("verifyResult").innerText = result ? 'True' : 'False';
                    } catch (error) {
                        console.error("An error occurred during verification:", error);
            } catch (error) {
                console.error("An error occurred:", error);

        // Running the main function
    <!--HTML forms for the proving and verifying functionality-->
        <h1>Generate Circuit Params</h1>
        <label for="circuit_ser_gen">Circuit (.onnx):</label>
        <input id="circuit_ser_gen" type="file" placeholder="circuit_ser_gen" />
        <label for="run_args_ser_gen">Run Args:</label>
        <input id="run_args_ser_gen" type="file" placeholder="run_args_ser_gen" />
        <button id="genCircuitParamsButton">Generate Circuit Params</button>
        <div id="genCircuitParamsResult"></div>

        <h1>Generate Proving Key</h1>
        <label for="circuit_ser_pk">Circuit (.onnx):</label>
        <input id="circuit_ser_pk" type="file" placeholder="circuit_ser_pk" />
        <label for="params_ser_pk">KZG Params:</label>
        <input id="params_ser_pk" type="file" placeholder="params_ser_pk" />
        <label for="circuit_params_ser_pk">Circuit params:</label>
        <input id="circuit_params_ser_pk" type="file" placeholder="circuit_params_ser_pk" />
        <button id="genPkButton">Generate</button>
        <div id="genPkResult"></div>

        <h1>Generate Verifying Key</h1>
        <label for="pk_ser">Proving Key:</label>
        <input id="pk_ser" type="file" placeholder="pk_ser" />
        <label for="circuit_params_ser_vk">Circuit params:</label>
        <input id="circuit_params_ser_vk" type="file" placeholder="circuit_params_ser_vk" />
        <button id="genVkButton">Generate Verifying Key</button>
        <div id="genVkResult"></div>

        <!--File inputs to upload the necessary files-->
        <label for="data_prove">Input Data:</label>
        <input id="data_prove" type="file" placeholder="data_prove" />
        <label for="pk_prove">Proving key:</label>
        <input id="pk_prove" type="file" placeholder="pk_prove" />
        <label for="circuit_ser_prove">Circuit (.onnx):</label>
        <input id="circuit_ser_prove" type="file" placeholder="circuit_ser" />
        <label for="circuit_params_ser_prove">Circuit params:</label>
        <input id="circuit_params_ser_prove" type="file" placeholder="circuit_params_ser_prove" />
        <label for="params_ser_prove">KZG params:</label>
        <input id="params_ser_prove" type="file" placeholder="params_ser_prove" />
        <!--Button to start the proving process-->
        <button id="proveButton">Prove</button>
        <!--Placeholder for the proving result-->
        <div id="proveResult"></div>
        <!--File inputs to upload the necessary files-->
        <label for="proof_js">Proof (network.proof):</label>
        <input id="proof_js" type="file" placeholder="proof_js" />
        <label for="vk">Verifying key:</label>
        <input id="vk" type="file" placeholder="vk" />
        <label for="circuit_params_ser_verify">Circuit params:</label>
        <input id="circuit_params_ser_verify" type="file" placeholder="circuit_params_ser_verify" />
        <label for="params_ser_verify">KZG params:</label>
        <input id="params_ser_verify" type="file" placeholder="params_ser_verify" />
        <!--Button to start the verification process-->
        <button id="verifyButton">Verify</button>
        <!--Placeholder for the verification result-->
        <div id="verifyResult"></div>

  1. This script generates a simple HTML frontend with fields to pass in files for our input fields (we'll upload them from our ezkl directory). It also calls the ezkl_lib.js folder in our pkg to fetch the exported prove_wasm, verify_wasm, gen_circuit_params_wasm, gen_pk_wasm, and gen_vk_wasm functions.

  2. Run a simple http server such as python3's:

    python3 -m http.server
  3. Finally, upload the corresponding files to each parameter.

The ordering for Generate Circuit Params is:

  • circuit_ser: circuit (network.onnx)
  • RunArgs: RunArgs generated earlier in the tutorial

The ordering for Generate Proving Key is:

  • circuit_ser: circuit (network.onnx)
  • params_ser: commitment scheme parameters (kzg.params)
  • circuit_params_ser: circuit parameters (circuit file generated from the last step)

The ordering for Generate Verifying Key is:

  • pk: proving key (pk.key)
  • circuit_params_ser: circuit parameters (circuit)

The ordering for Prove (from left to right) is:

  • data: input data (input.json)
  • pk: proving key (pk.key)
  • circuit_ser: circuit (network.onnx)
  • circuit_params_ser: circuit parameters (circuit)
  • params_ser: commitment scheme parameters (kzg.params)

This will prompt you to download a file called network.proof. network.proof is a binary file of the generated proof. Note that this step may take time. After network.proof has been downloaded, upload the file to the first value of the Verify function.

The ordering for Verify (from left to right) is:

  • proof_js: proof (network.proof)
  • vk: verifier key (vk.key)
  • circuit_params_ser: circuit parameters (circuit)
  • params_ser: commitment scheme parameters (kzg.params)

True or False should appear as the result for the Verify function.

At the end of the interaction, your screen should look something like:


And thus, we have a WASM prover and verifier that you can use for your zkml project without having to worry about the blockchain! Feel free to check out the source code and build your own zkml applications with this simple interface. Thank you for reading and thank you for using ezkl.


This is a tutorial for using ezkl's WASM bindings as a prover and verifier.






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