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Add support for Amazon S3 bucket storage backend.
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This adds support for using Amazon's S3 bucket as a storage backend via
the `AmazonS3Store` module. It is only implemented for the `Lwt` concurrency
library at this time since the underlying AWS-S3 library does not yet
have support for `Eio`.
  • Loading branch information
zoj613 committed Nov 19, 2024
1 parent c9fa270 commit ee2d821
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Showing 8 changed files with 243 additions and 2 deletions.
30 changes: 29 additions & 1 deletion .github/workflows/build-and-test.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,13 +29,41 @@ jobs:
- zarr.opam

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: minioadmin

image: fclairamb/minio-github-actions
- 9000:9000

name: Ocaml version - ${{ matrix.ocaml-compiler }} - ${{ matrix.os }}
- name: checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 2

- name: Setup Minio
run: |
mkdir ~/.aws
echo '[default]' > ~/.aws/credentials
echo 'aws_access_key_id = minioadmin' >> ~/.aws/credentials
echo 'aws_secret_access_key = minioadmin' >> ~/.aws/credentials
pip3 install minio
python3 - <<'EOF'
from minio import Minio
minio = Minio(
minio.make_bucket('test-bucket-lwt', location='us-east-1')
- name: setup-ocaml
uses: ocaml/setup-ocaml@v3
Expand All @@ -45,7 +73,7 @@ jobs:
run: |
opam install --deps-only --with-test --with-doc --yes zarr
opam install bytesrw conf-zlib conf-zstd --yes
opam install lwt --yes
opam install lwt aws-s3-lwt --yes
opam exec -- dune build zarr zarr-sync zarr-lwt
- name: setup ocaml-5-specific
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,3 +26,8 @@ docs:
.PHONY: view-docs
view-docs: docs
chromium _build/default/_doc/_html/index.html

.PHONY: minio
mkdir -p /tmp/minio/test-bucket-lwt
docker run --rm -it -p 9000:9000 -v /tmp/minio:/minio minio/minio:latest server /minio
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions dune-project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
(and (>= 4.14.0)))
(zarr (= :version))
(lwt (>= 2.5.1))
(aws-s3-lwt (>= 4.8.1))
(odoc :with-doc)
(ounit2 :with-test)
(ppx_deriving :with-test)
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions zarr-lwt.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ depends: [
"ocaml" {>= "4.14.0"}
"zarr" {= version}
"lwt" {>= "2.5.1"}
"aws-s3-lwt" {>= "4.8.1"}
"odoc" {with-doc}
"ounit2" {with-test}
"ppx_deriving" {with-test}
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions zarr-lwt/src/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
(public_name zarr-lwt)
Expand Down
168 changes: 168 additions & 0 deletions zarr-lwt/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -144,3 +144,171 @@ module FilesystemStore = struct

include Zarr.Storage.Make(IO)

module AmazonS3Store = struct
module Credentials = Aws_s3_lwt.Credentials
module S3 = Aws_s3_lwt.S3

open Deferred.Syntax

exception S3_error of S3.error

let empty_content () = S3.{
storage_class = Standard;
meta_headers = None;
etag = String.empty;
key = String.empty;
last_modified = 0.;
size = 0

let empty_Ls = Fun.const ([], S3.Ls.Done)

let raise_not_found k () = raise (Zarr.Storage.Key_not_found k)

Check warning on line 167 in zarr-lwt/src/

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L167 was not covered by tests

let fold_or_catch ~not_found res =
let return_or_raise r () = match r with
| Ok v -> Deferred.return v
| Error e -> raise (S3_error e)
and on_exception ~not_found = function
| S3_error S3.Not_found -> Lwt.return (not_found ())
| exn -> raise exn

Check warning on line 175 in zarr-lwt/src/

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L175 was not covered by tests
Lwt.catch (return_or_raise res) (on_exception ~not_found)

module IO = struct
module Deferred = Deferred
open Deferred.Infix

type t =
{bucket : string
;cred : Credentials.t
;endpoint : Aws_s3.Region.endpoint}

let size t key =
let bucket = t.bucket and credentials = t.cred and endpoint = t.endpoint in
let* res = S3.head ~bucket ~credentials ~endpoint ~key () in
let+ c = fold_or_catch ~not_found:empty_content res in

let is_member t key =
let+ size = size t key in
if size = 0 then false else true

let get t key =
let bucket = t.bucket and credentials = t.cred and endpoint = t.endpoint in
let* res = S3.get ~bucket ~credentials ~endpoint ~key () in
fold_or_catch ~not_found:(raise_not_found key) res

let get_partial_values t key ranges =
let read_range t key (ofs, len) =
let range = match len with
| None -> S3.{first = Some ofs; last = None}
| Some l -> S3.{first = Some ofs; last = Some (ofs + l - 1)}
let bucket = t.bucket and credentials = t.cred and endpoint = t.endpoint in
let* res = S3.get ~bucket ~credentials ~endpoint ~range ~key () in
let+ data = fold_or_catch ~not_found:(raise_not_found key) res in
Deferred.concat_map (read_range t key) ranges

let set t key data =
let bucket = t.bucket and credentials = t.cred and endpoint = t.endpoint in
let* res = S3.put ~bucket ~credentials ~endpoint ~data ~key () in
let* _ = fold_or_catch ~not_found:(Fun.const String.empty) res in

let set_partial_values t key ?(append=false) rsv =
let* size = size t key in
let* ov = match size with
| 0 -> Deferred.return String.empty
| _ -> get t key
let f = if append || ov = String.empty then
fun acc (_, v) -> acc ^ v else
fun acc (rs, v) ->
let s = Bytes.unsafe_of_string acc in
Bytes.blit_string v 0 s rs String.(length v);
Bytes.unsafe_to_string s
set t key (List.fold_left f ov rsv)

let erase t key =
let bucket = t.bucket and credentials = t.cred and endpoint = t.endpoint in
let* res = S3.delete ~bucket ~credentials ~endpoint ~key () in
fold_or_catch ~not_found:(Fun.const ()) res

let rec delete_keys t cont () = match cont with
| S3.Ls.Done -> Deferred.return_unit
| S3.Ls.More continuation ->
let* res = continuation () in
let* xs, rest = fold_or_catch ~not_found:empty_Ls res in
Deferred.iter (delete_content t) xs >>= delete_keys t rest

Check warning on line 247 in zarr-lwt/src/

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L244 - L247 were not covered by tests

and delete_content t S3.{key; _} = erase t key

and erase_prefix t prefix =
let bucket = t.bucket and credentials = t.cred and endpoint = t.endpoint in
let* res = ~bucket ~credentials ~endpoint ~prefix () in
let* xs, rest = fold_or_catch ~not_found:empty_Ls res in
Deferred.iter (delete_content t) xs >>= delete_keys t rest

let rec list t =
let bucket = t.bucket and credentials = t.cred and endpoint = t.endpoint in
let* res = ~bucket ~credentials ~endpoint () in
let* xs, rest = fold_or_catch ~not_found:empty_Ls res in
accumulate_keys ( content_key xs) rest

and content_key S3.{key; _} = key

and accumulate_keys acc = function
| S3.Ls.Done -> Deferred.return acc
| S3.Ls.More continuation ->
let* res = continuation () in
let* xs, rest = fold_or_catch ~not_found:empty_Ls res in
accumulate_keys (acc @ content_key xs) rest

Check warning on line 270 in zarr-lwt/src/

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L267 - L270 were not covered by tests

module S = Set.Make(String)

let rec partition_keys prefix ((l, r) as acc) = function
| S3.Ls.Done -> Deferred.return (l, S.elements r)
| S3.Ls.More continuation ->
let* res = continuation () in
let* xs, rest = fold_or_catch ~not_found:empty_Ls res in
partition_keys prefix (List.fold_left (add prefix) acc xs) rest

Check warning on line 279 in zarr-lwt/src/

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L276 - L279 were not covered by tests

and add prefix (l, r) (c : S3.content) =
let size = String.length prefix in
if not (String.contains_from c.key size '/') then c.key :: l, r else
l, S.add String.(sub c.key 0 @@ 1 + index_from c.key size '/') r

and list_dir t prefix =
let bucket = t.bucket and credentials = t.cred and endpoint = t.endpoint in
let* res = ~bucket ~credentials ~endpoint ~prefix () in
let* xs, rest = fold_or_catch ~not_found:empty_Ls res in
let init = List.fold_left (add prefix) ([], S.empty) xs in
partition_keys prefix init rest

let rec rename t prefix new_prefix =
let upload t (k, v) = set t k v in
let* xs = list t in
let to_delete = List.filter (String.starts_with ~prefix) xs in
let* data = Deferred.fold_left (rename_and_add ~t ~prefix ~new_prefix) [] to_delete in
let* () = Deferred.iter (upload t) data in
Deferred.iter (erase t) to_delete

and rename_and_add ~t ~prefix ~new_prefix acc k =
let l = String.length prefix in
let k' = new_prefix ^ String.sub k l (String.length k - l) in
let+ a = get t k in (k', a) :: acc

let with_open ?(scheme=`Http) ?(inet=`V4) ~region ~bucket ~profile f =
let* res = Credentials.Helper.get_credentials ~profile () in
let cred = Result.fold ~error:raise res in
let endpoint = Aws_s3.Region.endpoint ~inet ~scheme region in
f IO.{bucket; cred; endpoint}

include Zarr.Storage.Make(IO)
32 changes: 31 additions & 1 deletion zarr-lwt/src/storage.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(** An Lwt-aware in-memory storage backend for Zarr v3 hierarchy. *)
module MemoryStore : sig include Zarr.Memory.S with type 'a Deferred.t = 'a Lwt.t end
module MemoryStore : Zarr.Memory.S with type 'a Deferred.t = 'a Lwt.t

(** An Lwt-aware Zip file storage backend for a Zarr v3 hierarchy. *)
module ZipStore : Zarr.Zip.S with type 'a Deferred.t = 'a Lwt.t
Expand All @@ -18,3 +18,33 @@ module FilesystemStore : sig
@raise Failure if [dir] is not a Zarr store path. *)

(** An Lwt-aware Amazon S3 bucket storage backend for a Zarr V3 hierarchy. *)
module AmazonS3Store : sig
exception S3_error of Aws_s3_lwt.S3.error

include Zarr.Storage.STORE with type 'a Deferred.t = 'a Lwt.t

val with_open :
?scheme:[ `Http | `Https ] ->
?inet:[ `V4 | `V6 ] ->
region:Aws_s3.Region.t ->
bucket:string ->
profile:string ->
(t -> 'a Lwt.t) ->
'a Lwt.t
(** [with_open ~region ~bucket ~profile f] opens an S3 bucket store with
bucket name [bucket] at region [region] using credentials specified by
profile [profile]. The credentials are read locally from a [~/.aws/credentials]
file or from an IAM service if the profile or file is not available.
Function [f] is applied to the store's open handle and its output is
returned to the caller.
{- [scheme] is the HTTP scheme to use when connecting to S3, and must be
one of [`Http | `Https]. Defaults to [`Http].}
{- [inet] is the IP version and must be one of [`V4 | `V6]. Defaults to [`V4].}
@raise S3_error if an error occurs while sending a request to the S3 service. *)
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions zarr-lwt/test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -141,11 +141,18 @@ let _ =
(Zarr.Storage.Not_a_filesystem_store fn)
(fun () -> FilesystemStore.open_store fn);

(* ZipStore configuration *)
let zpath = tmp_dir ^ ".zip" in
(* AmazonS3Store configuration *)
let region = Aws_s3.Region.minio ~port:9000 ~host:"localhost" ()
and bucket = "test-bucket-lwt"
and profile = "default" in @@ Lwt.join
[ZipStore.with_open `Read_write zpath (fun z -> test_storage (module ZipStore) z)
(* test just opening the now exisitant archive created by the previous test. *)
;ZipStore.with_open `Read_only zpath (fun _ -> ZipStore.Deferred.return_unit)
;AmazonS3Store.with_open ~region ~bucket ~profile (test_storage (module AmazonS3Store))
;test_storage (module MemoryStore) @@ MemoryStore.create ()
;test_storage (module FilesystemStore) s])

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