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Terraform module to help with provisioning Network, Subnet and Network Route resources in Hetzner Cloud.


# Configure the Hetzner Cloud Provider
provider "hcloud" {
  token = var.hcloud_token

locals {
  network_routes = tomap({
    "" = ""

module "net" {
  source = "../../"

  create_network = true

  network_name                     = "example-network"
  network_ip_cidr_range            = ""
  network_delete_protection        = false
  network_expose_routes_to_vswitch = false
  network_labels = {
    name        = "example-network"
    environment = "dev"

  create_subnet         = true
  subnet_type           = "cloud"
  subnet_network_zone   = "eu-central"
  subnet_ip_cidr_ranges = ["", ""]

  create_network_route = true
  network_routes       = local.network_routes


Name Version
terraform >= 1.2.0
hcloud >= 1.47


Name Version
hcloud >= 1.47


No modules.


Name Type resource
hcloud_network_route.private_net resource
hcloud_network_subnet.subnet resource


Name Description Type Default Required
create_network A boolean to check whether to create a network resource or not. bool false no
create_network_route A boolean to check whether to create a Network Route resource or not. bool false no
create_subnet A boolean to check whether to create a subent resource or not. bool false no
network_delete_protection Enable or disable delete protection. bool false no
network_expose_routes_to_vswitch Enable or disable exposing the routes to the vSwitch connection. The exposing only takes effect if a vSwitch connection is active.. bool false no
network_ip_cidr_range IP CIDR Range of the whole Network which must span all included subnets and route destinations. Must be one of the private ipv4 ranges of RFC1918. string "" no
network_labels User-defined labels (key-value pairs) should be created with. map(any) {} no
network_name Name of the network to be created (must be unique per project). string "" no
network_routes A map between route_destinations to route_gateways. map(any) {} no
subnet_ip_cidr_ranges Range to allocate IPs from. Must be a subnet of the ip_range of the Network and must not overlap with any other subnets or with any destinations in routes. list(string)
subnet_network_zone Name of the network zone e.g. eu-central, us-east, us-west. string "" no
subnet_type Type of subnet e.g. server, cloud or vswitch. string "" no
subnet_vswitch_id ID of the vswitch, Required if type is vswitch number null no


Name Description
network_delete_protection Enable or disable delete protection.
network_expose_routes_to_vswitch Enable or disable exposing the routes to the vSwitch connection. The exposing only takes effect if a vSwitch connection is active..
network_id Unique ID of the network.
network_ip_cidr_range IP CIDR Range of the whole Network which must span all included subnets and route destinations. Must be one of the private ipv4 ranges of RFC1918.
network_labels User-defined labels (key-value pairs) should be created with.
network_name Name of the network to be created (must be unique per project).
network_route_destination Destination network or host of this route. Must be a subnet of the ip_range of the Network. Must not overlap with an existing ip_range in any subnets or with any destinations in other routes or with the first ip of the networks ip_range or with
network_route_gateway Gateway for the route. Cannot be the first ip of the networks ip_range and also cannot be as this IP is being used as a gateway for the public network interface of servers.
network_route_id ID of the Network the route should be added to.
network_route_network_id ID of the Network the route should be added to.
subnet_id ID of the Network subnet.
subnet_ip_cidr_range Range to allocate IPs from. Must be a subnet of the ip_range of the Network and must not overlap with any other subnets or with any destinations in routes.
subnet_network_id ID of the Network the subnet should be added to.
subnet_network_zone Name of the network zone e.g. eu-central, us-east, us-west.
subnet_type Type of subnet e.g. server, cloud or vswitch.
subnet_vswitch_id ID of the vswitch, Required if type is vswitch