The ShinyCITExpresso
R package provides a web application based on
Shiny and
bslib for visualization CITE-seq
multiomics data:
Supports MultiAssayExperiment objects
Runs on Rstudio Desktop, or online platforms supporting Shiny Server
Designed to integrate results from diverse CITE-seq analysis pipelines, including:
Install Dependencies:
install.packages(c("devtools", "BiocManager"))
install.packages(c("dplyr", "ggrepel", "magrittr",
"plyr", "ggplot2", "RColorBrewer","shiny", "waiter", "bslib", "bsicons"))
c("SummarizedExperiment", "BiocGenerics",
"SingleCellExperiment", "MultiAssayExperiment",
Install the ShinyCITExpresso
package from Github as follows:
Access live demo here, and explore results from Seurat WNN (Weighted Nearest Neighbor) analysis of 30,672 scRNA-seq profiles measured alongside a panel of 25 antibodies from bone marrow (Stuart*, Butler* et al, Cell 2019).
Select object type to get started with your own data:
Results from CITE-seq analysis with totalVI and Processing and integrating 5k PBMCs CITE-seq data using moun are *.h5mu
format, which can be converted into MultiAssayExperiment objects for ShinyCITExpersso
using the R package MuData
maeObj <- MuData::readH5MU("cite.h5mu")
ShinyCITExpresso::run_app(mae = maeObj)
Results from Seurat Weighted Nearest Neighbor Analysis can be converted into SingleCellExperiment object first:
seuObj <- readRDS("cite.RDS")
sceObj <- as.SingleCellExperiment(seuObj)
SingleCellExperiment object stores additional modality in altExp
slot, which can be extract to construct MultiAssayExperiment object:
fnMain <-
fnAlt <-
altSCE <-
altExp(sceObj) <-
assay_list <-
list(sceObj, altSCE)
names(assay_list) <-
c(fnMain, fnAlt)
datColData <-
maeObj <-
experiments = ExperimentList(assay_list),
colData = datColData
ShinyCITExpresso::run_app(mae = maeObj)
Please note that the ShinyCITExpresso
project is released with a
Contributor Code of
By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
- Q. There are multiple layers of feature data in
. However, only one layer can be visualized. Is it possible to visualize other layers of data, such asdenoised RNA
ordenoised protein
To simplify matters, ShinyCITExpresso
opts to display the first available layer in the object. For AnnData
, the X
layer is commonly used. To visualize other layers, one can manipulate the MAE
object by retaining either the denoised RNA
or denoised protein
in the assay slot:
maeObj <-
# A MultiAssayExperiment object of 3 listed
# experiments with user-defined names and respective classes.
# Containing an ExperimentList class object of length 3:
# [1] protein: SingleCellExperiment with xxxx rows and xxxx columns
# [2] rna: SingleCellExperiment with xxxx rows and xxxx columns
# [3] rna_subset: SingleCellExperiment with xxxx rows and xxx columns
# Choosing denoised_protein for the first Experiment: protein
assays(maeObj[[1]]) <-
# Choosing denoised_protein for the third Experiment: rna_subset
assays(maeObj[[3]]) <-
# Then Run ShinyCITExpresso
ShinyCITExpresso::run_app(mae = maeObj)