This example shows a custom way to include a memo in an Aleo transaction using Aleo SDK.
SDK imports and account config:
import { Account, AleoKeyProvider, AleoNetworkClient, NetworkRecordProvider, ProgramManager } from '@aleohq/sdk';
const nodeBaseUrl = ``;
const apiBaseUrl = `{nodeBaseUrl}/testnet3`
const account = new Account({
privateKey: "PRIVATE_KEY",
const keyProvider = new AleoKeyProvider();
keyProvider.useCache = true;
const networkClient = new AleoNetworkClient(nodeBaseUrl);
const recordProvider = new NetworkRecordProvider(account, networkClient);
const programManager = new ProgramManager(nodeBaseUrl, keyProvider, recordProvider);
Functions for generating aleo instructions, encoding and decoding memo strings:
const get_memo_program_instructions = (program_id, memo_max_length, function_name) => (`
import credits.aleo;
program ${program_id}.aleo;
function ${function_name}:
input r0 as address.public;
input r1 as u64.public;
input r2 as [u8; ${memo_max_length}u32].public;
call credits.aleo/transfer_public r0 r1 into r3;
async ${function_name} r3 into r4;
output r4 as ${program_id}.aleo/${function_name}.future;
finalize ${function_name}:
input r0 as credits.aleo/transfer_public.future;
await r0;
const encode_string_to_u8s = (str_to_encode, max_length) => {
const missing_char_amount = max_length - str_to_encode.length;
if(missing_char_amount < 0) {
throw new Error("Memo is too long.");
const text_encoder = new TextEncoder();
const uint8Array = text_encoder.encode(str_to_encode);
const encoded = ([
]).map(b => (`${b}u8`));
return encoded;
const decode_u8s_to_string = (encoded_u8s) => {
const byteValues = encoded_u8s
.map(encoded_u8 => parseInt(encoded_u8.slice(0,-2), 10))
.filter(byte => byte !== 0);
const text_decoder = new TextDecoder();
const decoded = text_decoder.decode(new Uint8Array(byteValues));
return decoded;
Deploy custom program implementing memo and transfer_public call:
const deploy_fee = 2.1; // Aleo credits
const program_id = "test_memo_program";
const function_name = "transfer_public_memo";
const memo_max_length = 32;
const program = get_memo_program_instructions(program_id, memo_max_length, function_name);
const deploy_tx_id = await programManager.deploy(program, deploy_fee);
console.log(`Successfully deployed program: '${program_id}.aleo'.`);
console.log(`Transaction id: '${deploy_tx_id}'.`);
Make a public transfer with memo:
const transfer_receiver = "aleo1x7udnshfsl28vh6k7mfr6u8z3uu5002f5zfmkgg3xphw3uc5dc8sagn08u";
const transfer_amount = 0.5; // Aleo credits
const memo = "This is a test."
const transfer_fee = 0.1; // Aleo credits
const encoded_memo = encode_string_to_u8s(memo, memo_max_length);
const transfer_amount_microcredits = parseInt(transfer_amount*1_000);
const transfer_amount_encoded = `${transfer_amount_microcredits}u64`;
const transfer_tx_id = await programManager.execute({
programName: `${program_id}.aleo`,
functionName: function_name,
fee: transfer_fee,
privateFee: false,
inputs: [
console.log(`Successfully transfered with memo: '${programId}.aleo'.`);
console.log(`Transaction id: '${transfer_tx_id}'.`);
const transaction = await programManager.networkClient.getTransaction(transfer_tx_id);