Clone this template repository and give it your project name:
git clone --recursive <project url> cd my-new-project
Set up the Quality Assurance Tooling with the project's repository name:
make setup-hooks REPO_NAME=my-new-project
Verify your configuration:
make show-config
You're all set! Go build something awesome!
If you need to change the project name later:
make setup-hooks REPO_NAME=new-project-name
If you want to check your current configuration:
make show-config
Note: The .zflbs
configuration file is git-ignored and local to your machine. If you're working with multiple
developers, each developer should run the setup-hooks command on their local machine or fill in the .zflbs.example
file with the appropriate information.
When new changes are pushed to Quality Assurance, you can update your local project to use the latest QA configurations and hooks:
Update the submodule to the latest version:
git submodule update --remote qa
Re-run the setup to ensure all hooks are properly configured:
make setup-hooks REPO_NAME=$(basename $(pwd))
$(basename $(pwd))
automatically uses your current directory name as the repo name. You can also explicitly specify the name:make setup-hooks REPO_NAME=my-project
Commit the submodule update:
git add qa git commit -m "chore: update QA submodule to latest version"
If you pull changes and notice that the QA submodule has been updated (you'll see a change in the qa/ directory), you should run:
git submodule update --init --recursive
make setup-hooks REPO_NAME=$(basename $(pwd))