OpenGlassGUI is a GUI for configuring OpenGlass on Windows. The aim is to make the setup and configuration of OpenGlass as simple as possible, without having to rely on manually editing Registry values/keys and updating Dwm through coding it by yourself. Currently, it's in an extremely early stage with basic stuff implemented like setting BlurType, GlassOpacity, and some other settings - but not everything yet. What isn't implemented yet are auto-setup (download (?), install, start, stop, uninstall), some settings related to MsTheme(s) and others, legacy (?) support for Windows 10, and other things that may come up in the future by you, the user, or through me by looking into and contributing to OpenGlass myself.
Because I wanted it to get it into a working, usable state as earliest as possible, because I cannot really release it later on and then have users complain that it doesn't work on their PCs - aka I do not want to pull an "it's working on my PC tho". I'm not sure with a lot of things so yeah. I want to get critical bugs and core features done before I properly refactor my code and re-do the UI.
- Basic settings
- Dwm update/refresh on apply (changes are directly visible on apply)
- Some other settings
- Auto-setup and setup-related things
- Other things, dunno, feel free to submit ideas