This tool has no afiliation, authorisation or collaboration with PayPal WHATSOEVER use this tool at your OWN risk and ensure you read the code. You agree by using this tool that you are FULLY liable for anything and everything that is modified on your paypal account and that this tool is NOT liable for any issues caused.
PyPal-Cancel-Subs is a tool to cancel all automatic payment profiles on a PayPal account. This is for use for business PayPal accounts where the subscriptions are clients that are subbed.
The terms Subscriptions, Recurring Profiles, Automatic Profiles, Automatic Payments, Subs, Automatic Payment Profiles, are all used interchangeably
This tool uses the paypal transactions api endpoint to fetch all the subscription ID's used from all the transactions in the past 30 days (this can be changed but depends on the max transaction data that can be fetched from the PayPal transactions API), it then for each paypal automatic payment profile, (JSON response key: paypal_reference_id
) cancels the profile under the PayPal developer api.
To use this tool you will need python installed
You will need to install requests:
pip install requests
Create a paypal API key and secret if you haven't already
Modify the
variables based on the details from the previous step -