I’m an assistant professor at Michigan Tech in department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering.
My primary research focus is on understanding the mechanics behind adaptive reconfiguration of engineered structures like origami systems, soft robots, architected materials, and many others. My work develop simulation methods, inverse design algorithms, and fabrication methods for these adaptive and reconfigurable structures.
My GitHub page is for publishing open-access codes I wrote for simulation and design of various active structures. Currently there are three major packages.
- Sim-FAST (Simulator For Active STructures): This package is developed for capturing the large deformation kinematics and load-carrying behaviors of all kinds of active structures. These are structures that can change their forms for various functions.
- SWOMPS (Sequentially Working Origami Multi-Physics Simulator): This pakge is developed for simulation of active origami with multi-physical behaviors.
- Tree for Origami: This package use decision tree based ML method for inverse designing origami systems. We show that focusing on a single branch of a tree in the random forest can provide useful and interpretable information guide the design of active origami.
Please feel free to reach me at: E-mail: [email protected]
To learn more about my research on my personal webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/yi-zhu