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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – June 2nd

Bill McDonald edited this page Jun 2, 2017 · 6 revisions

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – June 2nd, 2017


  • Bill McDonald (Working Group Leader)
  • Andy Johnson (ADL)
  • Ben Clark (Rustici Software)
  • Clayton Miller (NextPort Engineering)
  • David Pesce (Exputo)
  • Dennis Hall (Learning Templates)
  • Henry Ryng (InXSOL)
  • Ray Lowery (Pratt & Whitney)
  • Steven Warwick - Health Decisions
  • Charles Touron – USARMY CAC


The group continued drafting the cmi5 Conformance Testing Requirements document. The following requirements were added:

4.2 Learning Management Systems (LMS)

  • cmi5_4.2_1 Learning Management System (LMS): The LMS MUST (have access to) be able to retrieve all Resource data (from the Statement API, etc., including attachments and extensions) about another distinct user across multiple sessions for that user.

Reference the following Requirements...

4.3 Optional JSON Values

4.4 Courses

5.0 Conceptual Model: Informative

6.0 LMS Requirements

6.1 Course Structures

cmi5_6.1_1 Learning Management System (LMS): The LMS MUST be able to import and process course structures containing more than 1000 AU's.

6.2 LMS State API Requirements

6.3 LMS Statement API Requirements

  • cmi5_6.3_1 The LMS MUST NOT provide permissions/credentials which allow the AU to issue voiding Statements.
  • cmi5_6.3_2 The LMS MUST Void statements that are NOT rejected AND conflict with the "Statement API" requirements as defined in Section 9

7.0 AU Requirements

7.1 AU Statement API Requirements

7.1.1 First Statement API Call

  • cmi5_7.1.1_1 Assignable Unit (AU): The AU MUST issue an initialized statement before issuing any other statements in a session.

7.1.2 Last Statement Call

  • cmi5_7.1.2_1 Assignable Unit (AU): The AU MUST issue a Terminated statement as the last statement in a session.

7.1.3 Types of Statements

  • cmi5_7.1.3_1 If "cmi5 allowed" statements are posted by the AU, they MUST occur between cmi5 "Initialized" and "Terminated" statements in the same session.
  • cmi5_7.1.3_2 (Place holder) "cmi5 allowed" statements are not considered in cmi5 defined session management and completion rules.

8.0 Content Launch Mechanisms

8.1 Launch Method

  • cmi5_8.1_1 Learning Management System (LMS): The AU MUST be launched by the LMS using either a new browser window or redirecting the existing browser window to a new location.
  • cmi5_8.1_2 Learning Management System (LMS): The AU MUST be launched by the LMS using the method specified in the course structure metadata. (new window, redirect existing window, or any window)
  • cmi5_8.1_3 Learning Management System (LMS): The AU MUST be launched by the LMS with a launch URL containing query string parameters (endpoint, fetch, actor, registration, and activityId).
  • cmi5_8.1_4 endpoint - Learning Management System (LMS): The AU MUST be launched by the LMS with a launch URL containing a "endpoint" name/value pair in the query string containing the endpoint to the LRS.
  • cmi5_8.1_5 endpoint - Assignable Unit (AU): The AU MUST get the endpoint value from the query string and use the endpoint value as the Base Endpoint for xAPI requests.
  • cmi5_8.1_6 fetch - Learning Management System (LMS): the LMS MUST place the fetch name/value pair in the query string.
  • cmi5_8.1_7 fetch - Assignable Unit (AU): The AU MUST retrieve the fetch value from the query string.
  • cmi5_8.1_8 actor - Learning Management System (LMS): The LMS MUST populate the actor with a valid value.
  • cmi5_8.1_9 actor - Assignable Unit (AU): The AU MUST get the actor value from the query string. The AU MUST use the actor value in API calls that require an "actor" property when sending xAPI requests.

Complete Working Draft Here

Discussion for next week

  • Develop cmi5 Conformance Testing Requirements

All Previous cmi5 Meeting Minutes

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