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Quick start guide

Freya Arthen edited this page Feb 20, 2024 · 3 revisions


Follow the guidelines in the section Installation

Running the analysis

  1. Create a configuration file using the following template and adapt it to fit your data.
fasta_path: "path/to/assembly.fasta" # path to assembly FASTA
gff_path: "path/to/assembly.gff" # path to annotation in GFF3 format
output_path: "path/to/output_directory/" # directory to save results in
taxon_id: "<NCBI taxon ID>" # NCBI Taxon ID of query species
  1. To include coverage information, add the path to a sorted bam file (this is optional). Otherwise, omit this parameter from the configuration file.
bam_path_1: "path/to/mapping.bam"
  • Note: When using multiple coverage sets, duplicate the parameter and increase the number in the suffix
  1. To provide pre-compiled protein sequences, specify the path to the FASTA. For details on format requirements see the section Input data
proteins_path: "path/to/proteins.faa"

To run taXaminer, call it with the path to the config file, like so: <config.yml>

For details on additional options see Configuration parameters.