This package is a thin wrapper around the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool CLI, better known as BLAST, developed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).
For now,
this uses CondaPkg.jl
to install BLAST+.
This package provides a thin-wrapper around the BLAST+ command line tools:
For each tool is controlled by keyword arguments,
which are generally passed as -key value
unless value
is true
, in which case it is passed as -key
For example, the julia call
blastn(; query = "a_file.txt", db="mydb", out="results.txt")
Will be sent to the shell as
$ blastn -query a_file.txt -db mydb -out results.txt
For all but makeblastdb
you can also pass a positional argument
that will be piped as STDIN
and the special keyword argument stdout
where results will be passed instead of being printed to the screen.
The stdout
kwarg can be a String
representing a path,
in which case a file will be created,
or a julia IO
type, in which case the results will be written to that object.
For example, to replicate the shell command
$ blastn -remote -outfmt "6 query subject expect" -db nr < myfile.fastn > output.tsv
You can do
blastn("myfile.fastn"; stdout="output.tsv", remote=true, outfmt="6 query subject expect", db="nr")
julia> makeblastdb(; in="test/example_files/dna2.fasta", dbtype="nucl")
Building a new DB, current time: 10/07/2024 16:59:40
New DB name: /home/kevin/Repos/NCBIBlast.jl/test/example_files/dna2.fasta
New DB title: test/example_files/dna2.fasta
Sequence type: Nucleotide
Keep MBits: T
Maximum file size: 3000000000B
Adding sequences from FASTA; added 2 sequences in 0.00329995 seconds.
Process(`makeblastdb -in test/example_files/dna2.fasta -dbtype nucl`, ProcessExited(0))
IOBuffer(data=UInt8[...], readable=true, writable=false, seekable=true, append=false, size=38, maxsize=Inf, ptr=1, mark=-1)
julia> blastn(buf; db="test/example_files/dna2.fasta", outfmt="6")
Query_1 Test1 100.000 38 0 0 1 38 82 119 5.64e-18 71.3
Process(`blastn -db test/example_files/dna2.fasta -outfmt 6`, ProcessExited(0))
julia> using CSV, DataFrames
julia> io = IOBuffer();
julia> blastn(buf; stdout=io, db="test/example_files/dna2.fasta", outfmt="6");
julia> seek(io, 0);
julia>, DataFrame; header=false)
1×12 DataFrame
Row │ Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column8 Column9 Column10 Column11 Column12
│ String7 String7 Float64 Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64 Float64 Float64
1 │ Query_1 Test1 100.0 38 0 0 1 38 82 119 5.64e-18 71.3