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mugling edited this page May 23, 2016 · 3 revisions

To reduce duplication in the JSON data it is possible for some types to inherit from an existing type.


In the following condensed example 556 ammo is derived from 223 ammo via copy-from:

"id": "556",
"copy-from": "223",
"type": "AMMO",
"name": "5.56 NATO M855A1",
"description": "5.56x45mm ammunition with a 62gr FMJ bullet...",
"price": 3500,
"relative": {
    "damage": -2,
    "pierce": 4,
"extend": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES" ] }

The following rules apply to the above example:

  • Missing fields have the same value as the parent

  • Fields explicitly specified replace those of the parent type. The above example replaces name, description and price.

  • Numeric values may be specified relative to the parent. For example 556 has less damage but more pierce than 223 and will maintain this relationship if the definition for 223 is changed.

  • Flags can be added via extend. For example 556 is military ammo and gains the NEVER_MISFIRES ammo effect. Any existing flags specified from 223 are preserved.

Reloaded ammo is derived from the factory equivalent but with a 10% penalty to damage and dispersion and a chance to misfire:

"id": "reloaded_556",
"copy-from": "556",
"type": "AMMO",
"name": "reloaded 5.56 NATO",
"proportional": {
    "damage": 0.9,
    "dispersion": 1.1
"extend": { "effects": [ "RECYCLED" ] },
"delete": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES" ] }

The following additional rules apply to the above example:

  • Chained inheritance is possible; for example reloaded_556 inherits from 556 which is itself derived from 223

  • Numeric values may be specified proportional to the parent by via a decimal factor where 0.5 is 50% and 2.0 is 200%.

  • Flags can be deleted via delete. It is is not an error if the deleted flag does not exist in the parent.

It is possible to define an abstract type that exists only for other types to inherit from and cannot itself be used in game. In the following condensed example magazine_belt provides values common to all implemented ammo belts:

"abstract": "magazine_belt",
"type": "MAGAZINE",
"name": "Ammo belt",
"description": "An ammo belt consisting of metal linkages which disintegrate upon firing.",
"rigid": false,
"armor_data": {
    "covers": [ "TORSO" ],
"flags": [ "MAG_BELT", "MAG_DESTROY" ]

The following additional rules apply to the above example:

  • Missing mandatory fields do not result in errors as the abstract type is discarded after JSON loading completes

  • Missing optional fields are set to the usual defaults for that type


The following types currently support inheritance:

  • AMMO
  • GUN
  • TOOL (but not TOOL_ARMOR)
  • BOOK
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