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Snakmake custom report

Since Snakemake 8.5 seems to implement a report plugin interface to customize report (#2700). Its been merged to main branch in Feb 2024 This could be a handy solution for automated custom reports. However this feature is not documented.

A plugin is a python module that provides the required functionality to create the report. There is a poetry plugin to create templates for these plugins:

This example modifies this skeleton to create a minimal html report.


To set up the dev env, we need to install poetry and the SnakeMake plugin

# set up poetry
curl -sSL | python -
#add to PATH
echo "export PATH=\"\$HOME/.local/bin:\$PATH\"" >> ~/.zshrc 
# Install poetry plugin via
poetry self add poetry-snakemake-plugin

Next the plugin is initialized

# Create a new poetry project with poetry new snakemake-report-plugin-<reporter-name>
# e.g. if the reporter is called "custom", like in this example here, the command would be
poetry new snakemake-report-plugin-custom
cd snakemake-report-plugin-custom
# Scaffold the project as a snakemake report plugin
poetry scaffold-snakemake-report-plugin


Next, edit the scaffolded code according to your needs In particular, the ReportSettings and Reporter classes in need to be implemented. Then publish the resulting plugin into a GitHub repository. The scaffold command also creates GitHub actions workflows that will immediately start to check and test the plugin.

During development, you can add new dependencies with

# edit the pyproject.toml file
poetry lock
poetry install

Run the checks done in github actions

# formatting
poetry run black .
poetry run black --check .
# linting
poetry run flake8
# tests are not set up right now ...
poetry run coverage run -m pytest tests/
poetry run coverage report -m

Create the report

To test the feature, you can use the basic_snakemake_workflow

# clone the example workflow
git clone [email protected]:ETH-NEXUS/basic_snakemake_workflow.git ../basic_snakemake_workflow
# copy the config (and potentially adjust it)
cp -r ../basic_snakemake_workflow/config .
# run snakemake to create results
poetry run snakemake -s ../basic_snakemake_workflow/Snakefile
# create the report
poetry run snakemake -s ../basic_snakemake_workflow/Snakefile --reporter custom --report-custom-path simple_report.html


  • test installation without poetry (github, PyPI)
  • poetry deployment?
  • satisfy github action tests
  • add functionality to make it useful:
    • add additional text for categories and subcategories
      • additional report/{category_name}.rst files are included if present.
    • how to control the order of result entries?
      • category prefix (e.g. "01_categoryname")
    • how to incorporate results (e.g. images) in additional text
    • how to handle/render tables (.csv files)?
      • specify number of columns to print?
    • how to handle variables? e.g. Software versions, number of de genes
      • parse yaml output
  • make it nice
    • add logo
    • add menu / structure?
  • return two htmls, one centered around technicalities, one around results


A custom report plugin for snakemake workflows






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