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sethismyfriend edited this page Nov 19, 2014 · 33 revisions

Welcome to the MakerNode wiki!

This is currently documentation for developers using the Intel Galileo Gen2 and Edison on the IOTDK.

Since this is a research project, we document all aspects of what we learn here as wiki pages for future reference - and to share knowledge with others when we write our final tutorials.

On the right hand side there is a list of pages organized by the tool or utility we are configuring.

####Setting up your Board If you are just getting started with the Galileo Gen2, here is a comprehensive guide to getting started that provides a context for choosing the right tools for your projects. I wrote this to help users get oriented for their needs on the Galileo gen2.

####Getting the IOTDK See Download and Burn to get the build and put it on the SD card.

####Get on the Web See Wifi with connmanctl to setup your home wifi network so you can update or get the makernode repo. Eventually we will provide a link to a prebuilt image. The wifi configuration currently works with WPA and WPA2 passwords on open networks.

####Resources For further information I have created a glossary page of all web resources for both Edison, Galileo and the IOTDK.