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sethismyfriend edited this page Sep 23, 2014 · 33 revisions

Welcome to the MakerNode wiki!

This page is a reference for developers of the Makernode project to remember how to use the utilities on the galileo and Edison for nodejs development.

We are switching from a custom build of linux to the IOTDK. Here are beta instructions to use a patched version of the iotdk for now:

  1. See Download and Burn to get the build and put it on the SD card.

  2. Go to the MakerNode directory on your board. git pull the latest version of the repo. run the ./ script to install i-586 dependencies.

  3. test hostapd and the full version of busybox. Moving the simlinks for busybox created errors that conflict with the default installation. So, remember to refer to the full version as busybox-i586 For example if you want a feature such as dsdn you need to type: busybox-i586 dsdn to refer to the alternative full binary.