Caesar v0.13.0
Closed issues:
- Manifolds page in CJL docs (#817)
- ICRA Tut1 Numerics under regular testing in Caesar.jl (#830)
- ICRA Tut2 regular numerical testing in Caesar (#832)
- ICRA Tut3 Regular testing in Caesar (#836)
- ICRA Tut4 regular testing in Caesar (#853)
Merged pull requests:
- upstream improvements (#812) (@dehann)
- Literature, [3.7] Overview Bayes Net App ... Risk (#814) (@dehann)
- Literature, [3.8], Bayes Net ... HMM analysis (#815) (@dehann)
- plot with keyword drawContour (#816) (@dehann)
- Literature, Kaess covariance recovery parametric (#820) (@dehann)
- add docs link for helper function fetchDataImage (#821) (@dehann)
- additional reference on parametric map merging (#822) (@dehann)
- tactile slam, Alberto's group (#823) (@dehann)
- Characterizing Marginalization ops Bayes Tree (#824) (@dehann)
- Literature, Bishop (#827) (@dehann)
- Fix 817, CJL Docs page for Manifolds (#828) (@dehann)
- fixes and last paragraphs for manifolds page (#829) (@dehann)
- test ICRA 2022 Tut1 (#831) (@dehann)
- Update mmisam_alg.md (#833) (@dehann)
- Small changes to using_manifolds.md docs (#834) (@mateuszbaran)
- test ICRA Tut2, (#837) (@dehann)
- Update using_manifolds.md (#838) (@dehann)
- Further updates to manifolds docs (#840) (@mateuszbaran)
- Fix manifolds Q7 projection answer (#841) (@dehann)
- Fix docs Manifolds.jl Q2, different logmaps (#842) (@dehann)
- link Wikipedia on factor graphs (#843) (@dehann)
- Update building_graphs.md (#844) (@dehann)
- developing test or ICRA Tut3 (#846) (@dehann)
- restore ScatterAlignPose2 and tests, wip (#847) (@dehann)
- depr legacy api, instead use new generateGraph_ (#848) (@dehann)
- add reference for Munkres rectangular (#849) (@dehann)
- ScatterAlignPose2 clouds in cache (#850) (@dehann)
- Standardize SAP serialization (& stashing), testing, and SDK integration (#851) (@dehann)
- numerical test, ICRA Tut4 (#852) (@dehann)