v0.4.3 (2020-01-01)
Closed issues:
- CRUD for variables and factors (#281)
- Labels tags or ids (#251)
- Thorough review of CloudGraphs.outneighbors (#105)
- Move these functions to CloudGraphs.jl (#73)
- [COMPAT BUG] Compose (#461)
Merged pull requests:
- Update filterCorrespondence.md (#472) (dehann)
- Updated frontend for new radar data (#451) (GearsAD)
- Saving data to filestore. Adding example for processor (#439) (GearsAD)
- v0.4.3-rc2 (#476) (dehann)
- compat bounds for json2 (#475) (dehann)
- few updates to odoauv (#473) (dehann)
- Update approxConvDensities.md (#471) (dehann)
- sig proc refs (#470) (dehann)
- principles filter corrs first (#469) (dehann)
- 1D filter link (#468) (dehann)
- fix docs (#467) (dehann)
- compat and getGitCommitSHA (#466) (dehann)
- working updates to auv example (#465) (dehann)
- Update faq.md (#464) (dehann)
- move note up (#463) (dehann)
- Update wiki.md (#462) (dehann)
- Update wiki.md (#460) (dehann)
- Update faq.md (#459) (dehann)
- wiki pointer for standard API definitions (#458) (dehann)
- add basic 1D filter style example (#457) (dehann)
- adding new radar file, (#455) (dehann)
- some dev on variable order costs (#454) (dehann)
- first ROS example (#452) (dehann)
- Update installation_environment.md (#449) (dehann)
- Update initializingOnBayesTree.md (#448) (dehann)
- Update bayestreePrinciples.md (#447) (dehann)
- advanced Bayes tree discussion (#445) (dehann)
- Update database_interactions.md (#444) (dehann)
- add supersolve to faq (#443) (dehann)
- move mmisam to principles (#442) (dehann)
- Update Project.toml (#441) (dehann)
- CSM status, just to document something (#440) (dehann)
- AUV example with dead reckoning tether (#438) (dehann)
- fix typo bayesTreePrinciples (#437) (dehann)
- ready -> solvable (#436) (dehann)
- bt csm colors (#435) (dehann)
- fix math in concepts.md (#434) (dehann)
- Update concepts.md (#432) (dehann)
- Update faq.md (#431) (dehann)
- Update bayestreePrinciples.md (#430) (dehann)
- remove docs Manifest file (#428) (dehann)
- update docs compat (#427) (dehann)
- continuing work on range only real time (#426) (dehann)
- Update basic_hexagonal2d.md (#425) (dehann)
- Update bayestreePrinciples.md (#424) (dehann)
- Minor spell checks for docs. (#423) (tonioteran)
- Update filterCorrespondence.md (#422) (dehann)
- Update literature.md (#421) (dehann)
- Update multiplyingDensities.md (#420) (dehann)
- Update filterCorrespondence.md (#419) (dehann)
- Update interm_fixedlag_hexagonal.md (#418) (dehann)
- Update basic_slamedonut.md (#417) (dehann)
- example with multimodal points environment (#416) (dehann)
- adding functions (#415) (dehann)
- Update approxConvDensities.md (#414) (Affie)
- Update faq.md (#413) (dehann)
- Update filterCorrespondence.md (#412) (dehann)
- add image to filter correspondence (#411) (dehann)
- fix newline math in filterCorrespondence (#410) (dehann)
- Bayes tree docs discussion (#409) (dehann)
- add filter vs graph docs (#408) (dehann)
- Update faq.md with zmq (#407) (dehann)
- fix links (#406) (dehann)
- add new approxConv docs first draft (#405) (dehann)
- Update basic_hexagonal2d.md (#404) (dehann)
- Update .travis.yml (#403) (dehann)
- allow fast finish (#401) (dehann)
- try to ignore docs failures (#400) (dehann)
- try docs Manifest.toml (#399) (dehann)
- remove warnings from docs (#397) (dehann)
- reintroduce docs on travis (#396) (dehann)
- Update .travis.yml (#393) (dehann)