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Marsha edited this page Nov 28, 2018 · 11 revisions


Path Light


You are a color block moving up a vertical scrolling dungeon. You have colors to choose from on your track. When you hit that color it changes you to that color. You are then immune to that color, which is important because you're being attacked from all sides (not on a track) by color blocks. You have to watch what's coming up to make sure you choose the right color. This is basically an endless runner / color match up / defense game.

Your left hand operates 3 colors (RBG) and your right on the arrow-keys or mouse You can switch to any color at any time, or combine any two, or all 3 (white). All while dodging. The game throws a constant barrage of different color combinations, starting with primaries but moving on to combined colors as the game gets harder (edited)

Inspiration: (Snakes & Colors)

Art: TBD


  • Michael (Dev - Mentor)
  • Ean (Architect - Mentor)
  • Michelle (PM - Mentor)
  • Hong (Dev - Mentor)
  • Dan (Tech Art - Mentor)
  • Eric - (Dev)
  • Kaylie - (Art)
  • Hector - (Art)
  • Greg - (Dev)
  • Matthew - (Dev)
  • Marsha - (Dev & PM)
  • Jensen - (Dev)
  • Jeremie - (Dev)
  • Nickon - (Dev)
  • Roman - (Dev)
  • Edwin - (Dev)

Meeting Dates All dates 7PM - 9PM unless otherwise announced. 11/15 11/20 11/27 11/29

Pull Requests All PRs should correspond to a ticket. You should make a branch called $(initials)-$(ticket-number)-($desc) Example: mb-4-add-loading-logic

If you forgot and already started working on master, you can declare a new branch by using the command git checkout -b <branchName> and your master will just transfer all its changes to your new branch.

Since pull requests need to be approved, if you need someone else's work immediately, just collaborate with them and merge with their branch.

PRs need to be reviewed by at least one person before pushing to master, preferably one of the mentors.

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