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Game Development Document

Cyborg_Ean edited this page Nov 26, 2018 · 3 revisions


Game Development Document


Core game play is navigating vertical scrolling dungeon. The character can move omni-directional. As the character moves obstacles come down from the top of the screen. If the player collides with the wrong obstacle at the wrong time the character loses.

Basic UX Flow:

  • User Starts App
  • User is Shown Loading Screen
  • User is displayed the main menu
    • [Proposal] User can choose settings
    • [Proposal] User can choose tutorial
  • User Starts Game
    • [Proposal] FTUE
  • After User Loses they are shown the Game Over Screen
  • [Proposal] User is displayed an end game bonus calculation
  • [Proposal] User is displayed their score against a background
  • User is returned to the main menu (repeat from #3)

Player Controls:

  • The player main character moves omni directional and is controlled via mouse/keyboard/touch.
    • If the player is using touch the character moves toward the last position the player touched.
    • If the player uses a mouse, the character should move towards the mouse position.
    • If the player uses a keyboard the character should move in the corresponding direction of a left/right/up/down input.

Game Objective:

  • Get as high score as possible
  • Collect color pickups to match block colors
  • Collide with blocks of matching color
  • Avoiding Colliding with blocks of mismatching color

Game Over Conditions:

  • If the player collides with a block that is not a matching color of combined color slots

Score Information:

  • Matching Full Blocks +25
  • Matching Half Blocks +50
  • Matching Quarter Blocks +100
  • [Proposal] matching Color Beam +50
  • [Proposal] color pickups + 10
  • [Proposal] (survivalBonus * totalSecondsPlayed)
  • [Proposal] ceil((matchingBlock.score * 0.10) * chainComboBonus)
  • [Proposal] Matching Omni Full Blocks + 10
  • [Proposal] Matching Omni Half Blocks + 25
  • [Proposal] Matching Omni Quarter Blocks +50

Ingame UI Objects:

  • Blocks
    • must have if matching color to collide
    • if color isn’t matching in collision event then the game is over
  • Color Pickups
    • Can collide with at any time
    • In collision event must be added in current color slot
    • [proposal] increases torchLight size
    • [proposal] low score bonus on collision
  • Color Beam
    • has no choice but to collide
    • [proposal] if color is matching than score bonus
    • [proposal] only effects combo chain if it’s matching
  • Color Slots
    • holds 2 colors. The combined value of this color will compared to on coming blocks.
    • the slot with the arrow pointing to it will be the slot that adopts the next color pickup
  • Score Text
    • displays the score
  • Next Text
    • displays the color of the upcoming Full Block

Block Types:

  • Full Block
    • low score bonus
    • covers full horizontal screen
    • should always be the current color in “NEXT” UI
  • Half Block
    • medium score bonus
    • covers half horizontal screen
  • Quarter Block
    • large score bonus
    • covers a quarter of horizontal screen

None UI Game Variables:

  • game difficulty
    • 3 default difficulties
      • easy default scrollSpeed * 0.75;
      • medium default scroolSpeed * 1 (no modifier)
      • hard default difficulty scrollSpeed * 1.25
    • difficulty effects the scrollSpeed
    • every 10 seconds the speed increases
  • scrollSpeed
    • should gradually increase as time goes on
  • torchLight
    • the source light that enables player to view game stage
    • should increase in size as time goes on or [proposal] when the player picks up a color pickup.
    • helps player see dungeon better, aiding decision making
  • darkness
    • at this point in time it’s assumed without the torchLight, the stage is pitch black