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A Snakemake workflow for fungal metatranscriptomics


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Fungal metatranscriptomics workflow

This is a snakemake workflow originally developed for the N_Street_1801 (Functional insights into the impacts of nitrogen fertilisation on forest belowground fungal metacommunities) project.


To install this workflow:

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Install the necessary dependencies with conda.
conda env create -f environment.yml

Remember to activate the environment

  1. Install GeneMarkS-T gene caller

The GeneMarkS-T gene caller software used in this workflow can be downloaded for Linux from this download page. Activate the workflow environment created in the step above, then you can install GeneMarkS-T by extracting the archive directly into the environment path:

tar -C $CONDA_PREFIX/bin/ -xvf gmst_linux_64.tar.gz

IMPORTANT: Because the workflow relies on conda to handle dependencies for most steps it is important to always add the --use-conda flag to snakemake. Even better is actually to install mamba (a more efficient replacement for conda) and have snakemake use that instead by adding --conda-frontend mamba to the command line.

Sample data

The workflow requires a list of samples to use as input. By default the workflow looks for a file called sample_list.tsv in the working directory but you can name it whatever you like and specify the path with snakemake --config sample_file_list=<path-to-your-samplefile>. Data for these samples can either be present on disk or in a remote sequence read archive.

Option1: Raw data on disk

Let's say you have your raw data downloaded and stored in a directory called /home/data/raw and your study contains 3 samples called sample1, sample2 and sample3. Let's also say you want to make a co-assembly of samples 2 and 3 and assemble sample 1 separately. Then your tab-separated sample file list should look like this:

sample Read_file Pair_file assembly
sample1 sample1_1.fastq.gz sample1_2.fastq.gz assembly1
sample2 sample2_1.fastq.gz sample2_2.fastq.gz assembly2
sample3 sample3_1.fastq.gz sample3_2.fastq.gz assembly2

In this example, we'll name sample file list sample_list.tsv. You can then run the workflow for these samples with:

snakemake -p --use-conda -n

See below for more information on how to configure and run the workflow.

Option2: Data in a sequence read archive

If you have data in a public data repository such as the SRA then you can add the accession numbers directly to the sample list:

Sample accession assembly
needle ERX3761257 needle_asm
root ERX3761470 root_asm

This will make the workflow download the fastq data using sra-tools prior to starting.

Running the workflow


By default the workflow uses the configuration file config.yml. You can either make changes in that config file or copy the file and make your changes in the copy (e.g. cp config.yml myconfig.yml). To run the workflow with another config file, lets say myconfig.yml, specify --configfile myconfig.yml on the snakemake command line.

Running the full workflow

To get an overview of the jobs that will be executed do:

snakemake --use-conda -j 4 -np

-n executes a 'dry-run' that doesn't actually do anything and instead the jobs to be run are printed to stdout (-p also prints the bash commands). The -j 4 parameter tells snakemake to run with 4 cores.

Running parts of the workflow

The workflow is divided into steps that you can run separately. Below are descriptions of these targets, their output and how to run them.


The preprocessing part will download fastq files for your samples, unless you start with files locally on disk as described above. Adapter trimming is performed using cutadapt followed by quality trimming with trimmomatic. FastQC is then run on the trimmed sequences and summarized into a report using MultiQC.

Here's an example of running the preprocessing part of the workflow:

snakemake --use-conda -j 10 -p preprocess


Preprocessed reads are filtered to separate fungal and host reads. This is done by first mapping reads to fungal transcripts, thus generating files with putative fungi and non-fungi reads. The putative fungal reads are then mapped to a host database of choice, e.g. spruce, either using bowtie2 or STAR. Reads mapping to the host are combined with the non-fungal reads from the first filtering step and put into a 'host' sequence file under results/host/{sample_id}_R{1,2}.fastq.gz. Reads that do not map to the host db at this stage are used for downstream assembly and annotation.

The type of filtering performed is determined by the read_source config parameter.

  • With read_source: bowtie2 filtering is done as described as above.
  • With read_source: taxmapper fungal reads are identified using Taxmapper.
  • With read_source: filtered both bowtie2 and taxmapper are used to identify fungal reads and the union of reads identified by these methods are used for downstream analyses.
  • With read_source: unfiltered no filtering is performed and preprocessed reads are directly used for downstream analyses.

Here's an example of running up to and including the filtering part of the workflow:

snakemake --use-conda -j 10 -p filter


Assemblies can be generated for single samples or by combining multiple samples into co-assemblies. You can choose to assemble with either Trinity, Trans-ABySS or Megahit assemblers, configurable via the assembler config parameter.

When single-assembly is set to True in the config, preprocessed and filtered reads from each sample are individually assembled using the configured assembler.

When co-assembly is set to True, the sample_file_list must contain an 'assembly' column that groups samples into co-assembly groups, e.g.:

sample Read_file Pair_file assembly
sample1 sample1_1.fastq.gz sample1_2.fastq.gz assembly1
sample2 sample2_1.fastq.gz sample2_2.fastq.gz assembly2
sample3 sample3_1.fastq.gz sample3_2.fastq.gz assembly2

In this example, preprocessed and filtered reads from sample2 and sample3 will be combined into a co-assembly named assembly2. Note that prior to generating co-assemblies, reads are deduplicated using fastuniq.

Here's an example of running up to and including the assembly part of the workflow:

snakemake --use-conda -j 10 -p assemble

To generate co-assemblies:

snakemake --use-conda -j 10 -p co_assemble


Gene calling is done on assemblies using GeneMarkS-T. Translated amino acid sequences are then annotated functionally using eggnog-mapper and the dbCAN database, and taxonomically using contigtax.

Here's an example of running up to and including the annotation part of the workflow:

snakemake --use-conda -j 10 -p annotate

And to annotate co-assemblies:

snakemake --use-conda -j 10 -p annotate_co

Running the workflow on a compute cluster

The workflow comes with support for job-handling on compute clusters with the SLURM workload manager. Simply set your SLURM account id in the config/cluster.yaml file:

  account: staff # <- REPLACE 'staff' with your account id

Then you can run the workflow as:

snakemake --use-conda --profile slurm -j 10 -p

Another option is to simply submit the entire workflow (in whole or in part) as one big SLURM job. The benefit of using --profile slurm is that resources are handled in a more fine grained way and that failed jobs can be resubmitted automatically with longer run times.


A Snakemake workflow for fungal metatranscriptomics







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