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NO_ob edited this page Oct 25, 2021 · 2 revisions

LoliSync will allow you to send your booru configurations, settings and favourites to another device. The device that the server is running on is the one that will receive the sent information.

While its intended to be used to transfer between devices it should also work correctly to transfer data between two versions of the app on the same device if they have different package names like transferring between the old google play version and the new one or between the google play version and the github one.

You should not use this on public wifi and it probably wont work when using 3g/4g.

To start open Lolisnatcher on the device or application version that you would like to receive the settings and select the LoliSync button. In old versions of the application it can be found in the sidebar. In newer versions it is found in settings.

Once on the LoliSync page you will need to start the server on new versions of the app find the "Start Reciever Server" button on the old version the button just says "Start Server"

Once the server is started you should see something like this. The bit of the number before the semi colon is the IP address and the bit after is a port.


Once the server is started go to your other device or app version and go to the LoliSync page. Put the IP Address from your other device into the IP Address field and put the port into the Port field after this select the options for what data you would like to send over.


Once you've made your choices you can hit the start sync button and your data will be sent over to the other app version or device. Once the device with the server running says the sync is done back out of the server page and hit yes to confirm. Then close the app in multitasking and open it again. Your settings, favourites and booru configs should now be on the other device.

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