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NO_ob edited this page Jun 22, 2021 · 4 revisions


Default Tags

Default tags are what is searched by default when a new tab is opened


Limit is how many images are loaded at once in the preview grid, scrolling will make a new batch of this size be loaded. Having a large limit can cause slowdowns due to loading a lot of Images at once so it is recommended to keep this between 10-30. Most boorus do not support a limit above 100 so that is what the app allows as the biggest value.

User Interface

Preview Columns Portrait

This is how many columns will show in the preview grid in portrait mode

Preview Columns Landscape

This is how many columns will show in the preview grid in landscape mode

Preview Quality

The preview quality is the quality of the images loaded in the preview grid there are two options sample and thumbnail. Samples are higher quality than thumbnails but may cause slowdown if you have a lot of preview columns or a high limit. If you experience slowdowns or crashes you can try setting this value to thumbnail.

Preview Display

Preview display is how the images in the preview grid will be displayed waterfall will crop the images to squares. Staggered will display the images in their original aspect ratio (it will fallback to waterfall if the booru does not provide image width and height). You may experience crashing with staggered as the library used is buggy. Rectangle will crop the images to rectangles

App UI Mode

App UI mode has two options mobile which is the normal mobile UI you should stick to this on android. The other option is desktop this has an ahoviewer style ui for use on desktop operating systems. This may be good for android tablets also but isn't well tested on android. Changing this setting requires fully closing the app and restarting


Gallery View Preload

The preload value is how many items will be loaded to the left and right of the currently viewed image in the gallery. The recommended value for this is between 2-4 as it can cause crashing when loading multiple large images or videos at the same time.

Gallery Quality

Gallery quality is the quality of the images in the gallery there are two options full res and sample. Full Res images are better quality than samples but may cause slowdowns if you have bad internet or a weaker device

Gallery Scroll direction

This setting is the direction to scroll in the gallery when scrolling vertically the gallery can be dismissed by swiping to the left or right. When scrolling horizontally the gallery can be dismissed by swiping up or down

Gallery Bar position

The position of the action bar in the gallery this can be on the top or bottom of the screen.

Disable Video

Will completely disable video playback, This is useful if you have an old device that crashes when trying to play videos

Video Auto Play

Ticking this will make video play as soon as they are loaded in the gallery

Kanna loading gif

Replaces the loading information with a gif of Kanna

My Device is shit

This setting isn't recommended for most devices but i've found it useful for old android 4 devices that crash often

Use Volume Buttons for Scrolling

Lets you scroll in the gallery using the volume buttons. When a video is playing it wont scroll if the app bar is visible and will change volume instead

Buttons Scroll speed

The speed the volume buttons will scroll

Tag Filters

Hated Tags

Hated tags will blur out images with these tags in the preview grid, you can select the remove items box to completely remove items with hated tags from the search results. 

Loved Tags

Loved tags will show a star icon in the preview grid for items with these tags.


Enable Database

The database is used to store your favourites and also other information such as already snatched images. If an image is marked as snatched in the database it will not be snatched again. The database is also required for search history

Enable Search History

Search history will remember your last 5000 searches they can be accessed from the side menu using the clock button below the tab box. Long pressing these will provide some options

Delete database

Pressing this will delete the database. It will require a full app close and restart to create a new one