Releases: Nictiz/Nictiz-R4-zib2020
Releases · Nictiz/Nictiz-R4-zib2020
This beta release introduces the following changes:
- MM-3647: In the profiles for the concept LaboratoryTestResult.SpecimenSource, the canonical URL and name are changed to "[...]-LaboratoryTestResult.SpecimenSource", in accordance with the zib name.
- MM-3854: The "title" of the datatype profiles that are used for the reference to zib-HealthProfessional and nl-core-HealthProfessional are changed to simply 'Reference' to make the rendering in Simplifier less confusing. The argumentation for this deviation has been added to the profiling guidelines.
- MM-3988: Encounter.location has been restricted from 0..* to 0..1, in line with the zib.
- MM-4035: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib SOAPReport have been added to the package.
- MM-4038: The context.type of extension ext-TimeInterval.Period has been changed from 'fhirpath' to 'element'.
- MM-4047: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib MedicationContraIndication have been added to the package.
- MM-4051: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib AbilityToDrink have been added to the package.
- MM-4056: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib AbilityToEat have been added to the package.
- MM-4124: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib AbilityToGroom have been added to the package.
- MM-4128: Redundant isModifier attributes have been removed from the profiles nl-core-LaboratoryTestResult and zib-Encounter.
- MM-4140: A FHIRPath error in the constraint on concept HouseNumberIndication in zib-AddressInformation is fixed.
- MM-4143: In the profile for zib-CareTeam (and thus for nl-core-CareTeam), .participant.member has been made required in all slices that the zib defines in order to make the .discriminator on .participant work.
- MM-4550: The zib and nl-core profiles for zib LegalSituation have been added to the package.
- MM-4551: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib Stoma have been added to the package.
- MM-4552: The zib and nl-core profiles for zib FreedomRestrictingIntervention have been added to the package.
- MM-4553: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib DOSScore have been added to the package.
- MM-4554: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib Refraction have been added to the package.
- MM-4559: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib ComfortScale have been added to the package.
- MM-4560: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib FLACCpainScale have been added to the package.
- MM-4571: Zib LifeStance is added as extension on profiles zib-Patient and nl-core-Patient in the package.
- MM-4572: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib HelpFromOthers have been added to the package.
- MM-4607: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib ApgarScore have been added to the package.
- MM-4609: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib AbilityToUseToilet have been added to the package.
- MM-4612: In the profiles for zib-LaboratoryTestResult and nl-core-LaboratoryTestResult, the cardinality of slice .category:laboratoryCategory is restricted to 1..1 in accordance with the zib.
- MM-4647: In the zib profiles where a targetProfile for zib-Patient has been defined without and explicit backing by the zib, this targetProfile is removed.
- MM-4666: The extension ext-AdditionalCategory has been added to make it possible to specify multiple categories whenever core FHIR restricts the category element to be used at most once.
Zibs included
Conformance resources for the following zibs are included in this release:
- AbilityToDressOneself
- AbilityToDrink
- AbilityToEat
- AbilityToGroom
- AbilityToUseToilet
- AbilityToWashOneself
- AddressInformation
- AdvanceDirective
- AlcoholUse
- Alert
- AllergyIntolerance
- AnatomicalLocation
- ApgarScore
- BloodPressure
- BodyHeight
- BodyTemperature
- BodyWeight
- CareTeam
- ComfortScale
- ContactInformation
- ContactPerson
- DOSScore
- DrugUse
- Education
- Encounter
- EpisodeOfCare
- FLACCpainScale
- FreedomRestrictingIntervention
- FunctionalOrMentalStatus
- HeadCircumference
- HealthProfessional
- HealthcareProvider
- HearingFunction
- HeartRate
- HelpFromOthers
- LaboratoryTestResult
- LegalSituation
- LifeStance
- LivingSituation
- MedicalDevice
- MedicationContraIndication
- Mobility
- NameInformation
- NursingIntervention
- NutritionAdvice
- O2Saturation
- Patient
- Payer
- PharmaceuticalProduct
- Problem
- Procedure
- Refraction
- SOAPReport
- Stoma
- TextResult
- TimeInterval
- TobaccoUse
- TreatmentDirective2
- Vaccination
- VisualFunction
Snapshot packages can be downloaded from Simplifier:
- 0.8.0-beta.1: contains the zib profiles and associated conformance resources.
- 0.8.0-beta.1: contains the nl-core profiles and associated resources, which haven been built on top of the zib profiles.
This beta release introduces the following changes:
- MM-3826: The profile for zib AbilityToDressOneself has been published.
- MM-3825: The profile for zib AbilityToWashOneself has been published.
- MM-3807: The profile for zib NutritionAdvice has been published.
- MM-3720: The profile for zib TreatmentDirective2 has been published.
- MM-3779: The profile for zib Payer has been published.
- MM-3778: The profile for zib Education has been published.
- MM-3763: A generic extension has been published to reference the profile for zib NursingIntervention.
- MM-3762: A generic extension has been published to reference the profile for zib Stoma.
- MM-3999: The Vaccination dataset adds partial zib AnatomicalLocation to zib Vaccination. In the profile nl-core-Vaccination-event, the datatype profile for nl-core-AnatomicalLocation is added to
. The binding is set to extensible instead of required to remain flexible for other use cases. - MM-3998: Mappings to the dataset Vaccinination-Immunization have been added to the relevant profiles.
- MM-3990: In the profile for zib-Encounter, the explanation that contact moments can be communicated by making
equal has been moved from.period
, where the zib concepts are mapped. - MM-3816: Zib concept Encounter.DeviatingResult is no longer be mapped as a reference to zib LaboratoryTestResult, but to
, in line with the zib. This is broader than the zib concept, so an explanation is added. - MM-3809: In profiles zib-Procedure-request and zib-Procedure-event, the mapping and guidance on the use of zib concepts ProcedureStartDatum and ProcedureEindDatum are only applied to the elements which are mapped directly on these concepts. This makes the explanation more clear.
- MM-3726: In profile zib-ContactPerson, the data type profile for nl-core-NameInformation was applied to
directly, while it should only be applied to the slices. This is corrected. - MM-3718: Technical fixes for a ConceptMap and CodeSystem in zib LaboratoryTestResult.
Zibs included
Conformance resources for the following zibs are included in this release:
- AbilityToDressOneself
- AbilityToWashOneself
- AddressInformation
- AdvanceDirective
- AlcoholUse
- Alert
- AllergyIntolerance
- AnatomicalLocation
- BloodPressure
- BodyHeight
- BodyTemperature
- BodyWeight
- CareTeam
- ContactInformation
- ContactPerson
- DrugUse
- Education
- Encounter
- EpisodeOfCare
- FunctionalOrMentalStatus
- HeadCircumference
- HealthProfessional
- HealthcareProvider
- HearingFunction
- HeartRate
- LaboratoryTestResult
- LivingSituation
- MedicalDevice
- Mobility
- NameInformation
- NursingIntervention
- NutritionAdvice
- O2Saturation
- Patient
- Payer
- PharmaceuticalProduct
- Problem
- Procedure
- TextResult
- TimeInterval
- TobaccoUse
- TreatmentDirective2
- Vaccination
- VisualFunction
Snapshot packages can be downloaded from Simplifier:
- 0.7.0-beta.1: contains the zib profiles and associated conformance resources.
- 0.7.0-beta.1: contains the nl-core profiles and associated resources, which haven been built on top of the zib profiles.
This pre-release contains conformance resources for the following zibs:
- AddressInformation
- AdvanceDirective
- AlcoholUse
- Alert
- AllergyIntolerance
- AnatomicalLocation
- BloodPressure
- BodyHeight
- BodyTemperature
- BodyWeight
- CareTeam
- ContactInformation
- ContactPerson
- DrugUse
- Encounter
- EpisodeOfCare
- FunctionalOrMentalStatus
- HeadCircumference
- HealthProfessional
- HealthcareProvider
- HearingFunction
- HeartRate
- LaboratoryTestResult
- LivingSituation
- MedicalDevice
- Mobility
- NameInformation
- NursingIntervention
- O2Saturation
- Patient
- PharmaceuticalProduct
- Problem
- Procedure
- TextResult
- TimeInterval
- TobaccoUse
- Vaccination
- VisualFunction
Snapshot packages can be downloaded from Simplifier:
- 0.6.0-beta.2: contains the zib profiles and associated conformance resources.
- 0.6.0-beta.2: contains the nl-core profiles and associated resources, which haven been built on top of the zib profiles.
This pre-release contains conformance resources for the following 37 zibs:
- AddressInformation
- AdvanceDirective
- AlcoholUse
- Alert
- AllergyIntolerance
- AnatomicalLocation
- BloodPressure
- BodyHeight
- BodyTemperature
- BodyWeight
- CareTeam
- ContactInformation
- ContactPerson
- DrugUse
- Encounter
- EpisodeOfCare
- FunctionalOrMentalStatus
- HeadCircumference
- HealthProfessional
- HealthcareProvider
- HearingFunction
- HeartRate
- LivingSituation
- MedicalDevice
- Mobility
- NameInformation
- NursingIntervention
- O2Saturation
- Patient
- PharmaceuticalProduct
- Problem
- Procedure
- TextResult
- TimeInterval
- TobaccoUse
- Vaccination
- VisualFunction
Snapshot packages can be downloaded from Simplifier:
- 0.5.0-beta1: contains the zib profiles and associated conformance resources.
- 0.5.0-beta1: contains the nl-core profiles and associated resources, which haven been built on top of the zib profiles.
This pre-release contains conformance resources for the following 24 zibs:
- AddressInformation
- AdministrationAgreement
- AnatomicalLocation
- BloodPressure
- BodyHeight
- BodyTemperature
- BodyWeight
- ContactInformation
- ContactPerson
- DispenseRequest
- HeadCircumference
- HealthcareProvider
- HealthProfessional
- HeartRate
- MedicationAdministration2
- MedicationAgreement
- MedicationDispense
- MedicationUse2
- NameInformation
- NursingIntervention
- O2Saturation
- Patient
- PharmaceuticalProduct
- TimeInterval
Relevant changes compared to 'validation-4'
- Renamed extensions for MedicationAdministration2 and MedicationUse2 to also include the '2'.
- Removed reference to HL7 base resource in the ext-MedicationUse2.Prescriber extension.
- Added guidance and implicit mappings on MedicationDispense.status on how to deal with the mandatory status element (#122).
- Added guidance on how to deal with MedicationDispense.intent (#127).
- Added extension for FinancialIndicationCode concept in nl-core-DispenseRequest (#106).
- Added SearchParameters to nl-core folder, created based on new Profiling Guidelines (#139).
- Improved guidance on StopType and mapped StopType to ModifierExtension in MedicationUse too (#114).
- Added extensions with mapping of 'RelatieZorgepisode' in MedicationAgreement and DispenseRequest (#105) and removed previously made implicit mappings for EpisodeOfCare.
Fixed merge confilict
Merge branch 'zib-SOAPReport' into integration