This pre-release contains conformance resources for the following zibs:
- AddressInformation
- AdvanceDirective
- AlcoholUse
- Alert
- AllergyIntolerance
- AnatomicalLocation
- BloodPressure
- BodyHeight
- BodyTemperature
- BodyWeight
- CareTeam
- ContactInformation
- ContactPerson
- DrugUse
- Encounter
- EpisodeOfCare
- FunctionalOrMentalStatus
- HeadCircumference
- HealthProfessional
- HealthcareProvider
- HearingFunction
- HeartRate
- LaboratoryTestResult
- LivingSituation
- MedicalDevice
- Mobility
- NameInformation
- NursingIntervention
- O2Saturation
- Patient
- PharmaceuticalProduct
- Problem
- Procedure
- TextResult
- TimeInterval
- TobaccoUse
- Vaccination
- VisualFunction
Snapshot packages can be downloaded from Simplifier:
- nictiz.fhir.nl.r4.zib2020 0.6.0-beta.2: contains the zib profiles and associated conformance resources.
- nictiz.fhir.nl.r4.nl-core 0.6.0-beta.2: contains the nl-core profiles and associated resources, which haven been built on top of the zib profiles.