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garyo edited this page Dec 13, 2014 · 4 revisions

Building SWIG wrappers with SCons

SWIG already works out the the box, you just add your *.i file to the list of source files and it will all turn out fine. Built-in SWIG doesn't track down dependencies though, so try this snippet from Mattias on the mailing list: Update 19 July 2007: Support for tracking SWIG dependencies has been added to the SCons code base and will be available next release (most likely 0.97.1). The configuration is controlled by a $SWIGPATH variable that is searched for .i files and which gets translated into -I options on the command line (like the $CPPPATH variable does for C preprocessing). ```python #!python import SCons.Script

#... then, later...

SWIGScanner = SCons.Scanner.ClassicCPP( "SWIGScan", ".i", "CPPPATH", '^[ \t][%,#][ \t](?:include|import)[ \t]*(<|")([^>"]+)(>|")' )


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