A repository for deployment and running of a preset collection of docker-compose and kubernetes deployment files.
A custom starling command line interface has been provided
The starling cli is comprised of a number of bash and python scripts to help streamline the usage of common aspects of the Starling vehicle controller simulation stack.
It is envisioned as aiding the process of following the Starling application development workflow:
- Developing and testing the application locally in containers on a single simulated drone
- Developing and testing the application locally within a simulated network archietcture of the flight arena using single or multiple simulated drones
- Developing and testing the application on real vehicles within the flight arena.
The only requirement of the starling cli is a terminal running a shell and git. However please make sure you are running on a suitable computer as some of the applications are quite resource intensive.
There are no installation steps apart from cloneing this github repository into your local workspace.
git clone https://github.com/StarlingUAS/Murmuration.git
In the root of the repository, there is the core cli script named starling
. starling
includes a further installation script to help install further requirements. This installation script will need to be run using root. See the following guide on which arguments you should give.
If running within Murmuration, swap
. However for convenience, you can putstarling
onto your path. This can be done by addingexport PATH=<Path to murmuration>/bin:$PATH
andsource ~/.bashrc
, or running the same command locally in the terminal. Then you can use the below commands verbatim.
To install the bare minimum requirements of starling, run the following.
sudo starling install
This will
- Update the system
- Install python3, pip, curl, udmap and a python utility called click
- Add the Mumuration directory to your path so you can run starling from anywhere
- Install docker
For this we utilise kubernetes in docker, a.k.a kind link:
sudo starling install kind
This is an application which will allow us to test out kubernetes deployments within a docker container without needing to install kubernetes elements locally. It also allows windows and mac users to develop starling applications as well.
The final step allows you to setup the setup used in the flight arena using multiple physical machines. For this, we utilise k3s.
This is not recommended for most users. Most should be able to use kind for testing, to then deploy straight in the flight arena.
sudo starling install k3s
The starling
utility is made up of a number of useful scripts which can be used together to run the simulation and your own controllers. Using starling
with docker-compose
is very simple and essentially a drop in replacement.
Once starling
has installed, a docker compose configuration yaml file can be run with the following command:
starling deploy -f <docker compose file>
# e.g.
starling deploy -f docker-compose.px4.yaml
# or if the system needs to build a local container
starling deploy -f docker-compose.px4.yaml --build
The container can then be stopped by pressing CTRL+C
If other docker-compose commands are required, you can just use the docker-compose
If you want to run a container standalone, please refer to normal usage of docker run ....
The starling
utility is made up of a number of useful scripts which can be used together to run the simulation and your own controllers
Note: The starling utility can be configured by adjust variables inside
Note: Most commands will have options and help which can be viewed by passing in the
options. Otherwise feel free to directly view the command bash files for more details.
Running the following will give you a single drone cluster
starling start kind
There are also a number of other options for starting kind.
If you are looking to experiment with a multi-drone system, you can specify the number using the -n
option. For example for a 3 node (drone) cluster
starling start kind -n 3
If you wish to use unmanned ground vehicles, you can specify using the -n_ugv
starling start kind -n 2 -n_ugv 2
You can also specify a start location using a simple yaml configuration file. For example the following file saved as vehicle_config.yaml
specifies the spawning of a UAV and a UGV (r1_rover) at two specified locations in space:
- type: uav
x: 0
y: 0
z: 2
- type: r1_rover
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
The configuration must have a root key of vehicles
followed by a list of vehicles. Each vehicle must specify a type - either uav
(alias for iris
) or the exact name of the vehicle within the simulation container model database, as well as its opitonal x
, y
and z
location. This configuration can be applied with:
starling start kind --vehicle_config_yaml vehicle_config.yaml
Note: Starting kind will also start a local registry to store local containers. See here for details. The system is configured to make use of this. The default registry is exposed on
according to the environment varibles incli/common
To stop the cluster, simply run the following. Note that this will delete all changes within the kind cluster and maybe require re-setup. This also stops the local registry unless specified.
starling stop kind
# or to keep the local registry around for use later, e.g. starling restart
starling stop kind --keep_registry
For more details, see the following tutorial for an illustrated guide.
Once started, you can start the monitoring dashboard using the following command:
starling start dashboard
This will start up the kubernetes dashboard. To access the dashboard, open up a browser and go to https://localhost:31771.
Note the browser may not like the security, we promise it is safe to access! If you click 'advanced options' and 'continue to website' you should be able to access the website.
To log on, the above command should show something like the following:
The Dashboard is available at https://localhost:31771
You will need the dashboard token, to access it.
Copy and paste the token from below
Note: your browser may not like the self signed ssl certificate, ignore and continue for now
To get the token yourself run: kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard describe secret admin-user-token
You can copy the <LONG TOKEN>
and paste it into the dashboard token. You can also get the access token again by running:
starling utils get-dashboard-token
You can also monitor the system using
starling status
# or to continually watch
starling status --watch
And finally, you can inspect the system using the standard kubectl
Once the simulator in kind has started, we can start the general simulator.
IMPORTANT: The simulator can potentially be resource heavy to run. This is with respect to both CPU usage and RAM. Before going further, please ensure you have enough space on your primary drive (at least 30Gb to be safe, especially C drive on windows). This is especially true if running multiple vehicles. It is not recommended to run more than around 6.
First we should load or download the required simulation containers locally. This can be done using the follwoing command. We need to run the load command as we want to load the local container images into the kind container. This avoids the need for the kind containers to download the containers themselves at each runtime.
This command can take as long as 30 minutes depending on internet connection. It goes through the deployment files and downloads a couple of large containers e.g. the gazebo and sitl containers.
If the container doesn't already exist locally, it will attempt to download it from docker hub
starling simulator load
Once containers are downloaded and loaded into Kind, we can start the simulator containers using the following:
starling simulator start
# or to do both steps at the same time:
starling simulator start --load
Once run, you can monitor the deployments on the kubernetes dashboard. In particular you can inspect the workloads -> pods. If they show green the systems should hopefully have started correctly.
Again, see this illustrated guide to the dashboard
Note, if the load was unsucessful, or had issues, some containers might take a while to download starling containers.
Once started, the simulator should be available to inspect from https://localhost:8080
At this point, you can run your own deployments or some of the examples.
If at any point, you want to restart the simulation, you can run the following. This will delete the starling simulator containers, and then start them again.
starling simulator restart
If you want to stop the simulation, simply run
starling simulator stop
Custom simulators can be run by specifying the --simulator_kube_deployment_yaml
and --sitl_kube_deployment_yaml
options for starling simulator start/stop/load
. e.g.
starling simulator start --simulator_kube_deployment_yaml simulator_config/k8.gazebo-marsupial.yaml --sitl_kube_deployment_yaml simulator_config/k8.px4-sitl.daemonset.yaml
The primary usage of starling is to test your local containers. To do so, please follow the following steps.
First, if it is a local container - a container image which exists on your local machine either through having pulled it from docker hub, or built locally - you will need to load that image into kind. Each time you rebuild or change the image, you will need to load it into kind. This can be achieved using the following command:
Note: If the container doesnt exist locally it will automatically try and download it from docker hub
starling utils kind-load <container name>
# e.g.
starling utils kind-load uobflightlabstarling/starling-mavros:latest
or when using the simulator
or deploy
commands, you can simply specify the --load
option and it will automatically extract the images from your deployment file and load these images locally for you.
Secondly, you will need to write a kubernetes deployment file known as a kubeconfig. A kubeconfig is a yaml file which specifies what sort of deployment you want, along with many options (where to run your controller etc.). For now, see the deployment folder and the repositories in StarlingUAS for examples. In particular we mention the existence of two types of deployment:
- Deployment: This specfies the self-healing deployment of one pod (a.k.a a collection of containers) to a node.
- DaemonSet: This specifies the self-healing automatic deployment of a pod to all nodes which match a given specification. Use this for a deployment to all vehicles.
Once a kubernetes configuration has been written, it can be deployed to kind.
starling deploy -k <path to kubeconfig file> start
Note if you have added starling to path (through standard installation or otherwise), you can run this from any directory, in particular the directory of the project you wish to deploy. If you haven't, you may need to give a full absolute path.
Note if kind is not active or installed,
starling deploy
will interpret commands fordocker-compose
To stop or restart a deployment you can use the following:
starling deploy -k <path to kubeconfig file> stop
starling deploy -k <path to kubeconfig file> restart
To restart a deployment with an update to the container, you just need to ensure you have loaded it in before you restart:
starling utils kind-load <container name>
starling deploy -k <path to kubeconfig file> restart
# or using the --load option to do both
starling deploy -k <path to kubeconfig file> restart --load
Again, use the dashboard to monitor the status of your deployment
In summary, if actively developing a new application, the steps to redeployment are therefore:
- Rebuild your container (recommendation is to use a makefile)
starling deploy -k kubernetes.yaml restart --load
Note: If you see that your deployed container is not updating, you will need to change the
imagePullPolicy: Always
to ensure the kubernetes updates itself from the local registry.
The docker-compose
contains a number of preset examples which spin up at minimum a simulator, a software autopilot, mavros and a ros webridge, but also example ui's and basic controllers.
Each example file has a linux and windows variant.
- The linux variant runs
which allows for ROS2 traffic to be shared between the container and your local network. Therefore the traffic is visible to your machine's local (non-container) ROS2 foxy instance, allowing you to run bare-metal application such as rviz2 or your own controllers (i.e. you do not need to wrap your own controllers in a docker container). Any exposed ports are automatically exposed tolocalhost
. - The windows variant runs inside a docker-compose network named
<folder-which the-docker-compose-file-is-in>_default
, (e.g. running a px4 example will create a local networkpx4_default
). This network is segregated from your local network traffic except for the exposed ports in the docker-compose file which are now accessible fromlocalhost
(Windows has no support ofnet=host
). Any other ROS2 nodes will need to be wrapped in a docker container for running and run with--network px4_default
or--network ardupilot_default
. See the example controller repository for an example ROS2-in-docker setup.
The docker-compose/px4 folder contains a number of px4 based examples. See the README for more details.
To start the simulator, a px4 SITL, mavros and the web-bridge, use the following command:
# Pull and Run the docker-containers
starling deploy -f docker-compose/px4/docker-compose.core.linux.yml --pull
# or for windows
starling deploy -f docker-compose/px4/docker-compose.core.windows.yml --pull
To start the core with a simple-offboard controller, simple-allocator and Trajectory follower Web GUI, use the following command:
# Run the docker-containers
starling deploy -f docker-compose/px4/docker-compose.simple-offboard.linux.yml --pull
# or for windows
starling deploy -fdocker-compose/px4/docker-compose.simple-offboard.windows.yml --pull
The docker-compose/ardupilot folder contains a number of px4 based examples. See the README for more details.
To start the gazebo simulator, an arducopter SITL, mavros and the web-bridge, use the following command:
# Run the docker-containers
starling deploy -f docker-compose/ardupilot/docker-compose.ap-gazebo.linux.yml --pull
# or for windows
starling deploy -f docker-compose/ardupilot/docker-compose.ap-gazebo.windows.yml --pull
An example offboard ROS2 controller can then be conncted to SITL by running the following in a separate terminal. For this we have to use docker
's built in command line interface.
# Download the latest container
docker pull uobflightlabstarling/example_controller_python
docker run -it --rm --network px4_default uobflightlabstarling/example_controller_python
# or for ardupilot
docker run -it --rm --network ardupilot_default uobflightlabstarling/example_controller_python
See the docs for further details
A folder of example deployments is provided in the repository. Currently there is only the one example, but hopefully more will follow! These can all be run using the deploy
command with the name of the example (corresponds to name of the folder)
starling deploy example <example-name>
starling deploy example simple-offboard
Note - If running locally, you may also want to give the
option e.g.starling deploy example position-trajectory --load
to reduce the loading time on restarts.
simple-offboard - This example deploys 3 elements which together allow the running of simple waypoint following examples through a graphical user interface on one or more UAVs. Can be run using
starling deploy example simple-offboard
once the simulator has been initialised- A daemonset is used to deploy the simple offboard controller to each vehicle. This provides a high level interface for controlling a vehicle
- An example Python based UI using the dash library. This provides a graphical user interface to upload and fly trajectories.
- An allocator module which takes a trajectory from the UI and distributes it to a particular vehicle to fly.
position-trajectory This example deploys a single deployment file with multiple elements. It contains a onboard position trajectory controller, and a centralised control pod which contains the allocator and dash library from before. Run
starling deploy example position-trajectory
to run this example.